putney high school staff list

Email: dfolgar@putneyschool.org She was promoted from being a  teacher of German to be head of department, then head of house and exams officer. Email: cmckenny@putneyschool.org Hartwick College Teachers often think that elsewhere, but it’s great to see it as a driving force in the institution. Health Services, Phone: 802-387-6244 New York Law School Placing importance on a wide range of endeavors, students work with their hands as well as minds, often integrating the two. For someone fascinated by progressive theory and practice, as I am, there is no better place in the world than Putney. I have taught high school English in public and private schools in New Hampshire, Missouri, Idaho, Illinois, and Vermont. B.A. I’m a very proud, and fortunate, Putney alum and it was through the lessons that I learned here, that I began to appreciate my cultural identity and heritage. I miss living outside of the US though, and recently we spent a year adventuring and teaching in Almaty, Kazakhstan. She believes that the school’s success in delivering excellent pastoral care is the result of the depth of experience coupled with intelligent application of the best research. After college, I lived in Wyoming and worked as a tutor and soccer coach for some time before moving to Vermont in 2013. I came back to Putney to work in the library and decided to pursue a degree in Library Science. Email: ljankiewicz@putneyschool.org She joined Putney High School in 2009 as Head of Sixth Form before becoming Deputy Head (Academic) and Acting Head in September 2014. Putney’s fundamental beliefs are my beliefs. Teachers at an independent school have been accused of failing their pupils by using symbols when marking key end-of-year tests. I’m here because I love building a bridge between Putney and China. I am able to now give back those lessons I learned to students who might feel the same way I did, in the same place I did. Email: zparker@putneyschool.org The strong sense of community is what brought me to Putney, and the opportunity to work with such interesting students, and such a dedicated and competent team of faculty and staff is what keeps me here. Our school inspections have been deferred due to the Coronavirus pandemic. M.A. My classroom offers endless cycles of experience and reflection, practice and feedback. Campus Administration. I returned to Putney in 2012. Phone: 802-387-6254 I love working with teenagers (especially Putney students) because they give me hope we are truly capable of “achieving a society worthy of the name.” My students push me to be a better teacher, but also a better person. Departments: M.L.I.S. MA New York University You can still search for inspection reports from inspections that took place before the end of February 2020. list view; map view English Department Chair and English Teacher, B.A. Every day in my job is different, I am constantly moving around campus, working with faculty, staff, and students. For Ms Barden working with the Sixth Form is an incredible privilege. Lynne Borofsky. I started my career at a rural school that was riddled with systemic and educational injustices. I’m not sure I could adhere to the “teach to the test” model. Mrs Phoebe Bradley joined Putney High School, in  2015, Mrs Bradley is well known to staff and students, having previously served as Head of History and Politics, and more recently, as Director of Pupil Progress and Academic Enrichment. University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Modern Languages. Department Heads, My most recent obsession is the Boston Bruins and NHL hockey. Athletic Department, There is room here for each individual to grow and shine. I am interested in how to cultivate both creativity and critical thinking as students find their authority as learners. I teach math because the experience of watching someone use their brain to figure something out is one of the most beautiful things in the world, and I don’t mean beautiful in a metaphorical way, but in the most concrete sense. Licence d'Anglais, Bordeaux University, France City College, NY Email: lstewart@putneyschool.org Science Teacher and Science Department Chair, B.A. As both a longtime Putney staff member and twice-over Putney parent, it’s a real privilege to watch this small institution wrestle with its own and the world’s challenges. Here we know there is no average learner, there is no normal. At times, we all feel stuck, lost, or uncertain—this is normal. I’m always learning things I wouldn’t have guessed about my colleagues and the students. From inspirational talks and musical performances, to careers fairs, dramatic productions and prizegiving. They want to learn with them and to work and play with them. Math Department, Phone: 802-387-6223 Phone: 802-387-6270 Phone: 802-387-7320 802-387-6259 (fax) 10 Bressenden Place Whenever I get cross-eyed from working with spreadsheets too long, I head out of my office and hear about what cool things students are up to and the details of my job make sense again. Email: jbarrengos@putneyschool.org I live in Dummerston with my partner and our adorable goats. I love weaving, traveling, and exploring different cultures and foods. I’m a chemical engineer from Instituto Tecnológico de Zacatepec in Mexico. Modern Languages. Department Heads, B.A. I moved to Vermont in 1985 and have been at The Putney School since 2005. Putney High School is an independent all-girls school in Putney, London. She first joined the GDST in 2006, when she was appointed Head of English then Director of Innovation, Teaching and Learning at Kensington Prep School GDST, Fulham. Science Department, Art Department Chair, Director of Evening Arts, and Photography Teacher, Phone: 802-387-6249 My husband and I met in Botswana, and have worked in boarding schools on three continents. School for International Training, Phone: 802-387-6233 University of Central Florida Email: agonzalez@putneyschool.org The respect for each student’s individuality brought me to Putney as a student; being able to emulate the same as a teacher keeps me here. Departments: At one of London's top schools, SuperCamps at Putney High School is an exceptional school holiday childcare choice. Along with my husband and 13-year-old son, we spend a lot of time cheering our team! Phone: We love the way of life these communities can offer to teenagers and adults alike. Email: hmontgomery@putneyschool.org Departments: Champlain College Harvard University Graduate School of Education, Phone: 802-387-6223 It is a place for young people to nurture their spirits as well as their minds. Harvard University Putney somehow manages to brilliantly balance progressive thought, meaningful action, community intention and artistic celebration. My first visit to The Putney School was in 1993 to visit my sister who was a student here. After college, I worked within the oil and gas industry designing compressed air energy storage plants. Peabody Conservatory of Johns Hopkins University Email: mderouault@putneyschool.org Director of Technology & Library Services and Humanities Writing & Research Teacher, B.A. She was then appointed to her current role as Junior School Deputy Head (Pastoral) in September 2017. Agency is at the heart of happiness, so helping students authorize their own learning is joyful. It is also a great joy to interact with alumni, parents, and friends who continue to underscore the impact of time spent at Putney as a springboard to a life worth living and to making the world a better place. Departments: M.F.A. Phone: Everyone here, students and adults alike, wants you to to succeed. B.A. At The Putney School, we embrace and celebrate diversity, including neurodiversity – the idea that there is great variation in how we learn and process information. Email: gbarber@putneyschool.org Email: tkneeland@putneyschool.org Departments: Departments: Since then, I have been a professional potter offering a line of colored clay items. B.A. Assistant Head – Curriculum (Mathematics/Critical Thinking) Miss Claire Nebesnuick. Health Services. University of Minnesota, Phone: 802-387-6273 When not teaching, you can find me riding my bike around town, baking bread, and listening to sad old country songs. Business Office, By then, I had a strong sense of who I wanted to be, but was still discovering how to get there. My experience as a builder and a businessman have prepared me well for this often challenging job. B.A. Me llamo Abelardo Almazán-Vázquez. Departments: What keeps me here 21 years later is the rush that comes from facilitating the discovery of young people’s creativity, sharing my passion for clay, giving back what I have learned and accomplished, continually learning from my students, and being in a growth-ful, stimulating, challenging environment among vibrant young people. Email: sharkins@putneyschool.org I also serve as one of the Diversity Committee members. I am an advocate for accessible and effective treatment options for every student. My parents are Putney alumni, they met here and we have been coming here since I was very little. Departments: I came to Putney via Norway, where I heard about this special place from the sister of a Putney alumn. Paraeducator. Whats app. Departments: My other interests are skiing and snowboarding, biking, singing, and playing guitar and bass. Email: mlyons@putneyschool.org University of Washington, Seattle I am most happy when I’m outdoors, whether moving through the world on a bike, on a surfboard, on skis, or in the water, thwacking a tennis or softball, walking with my dog, or simply reading and listening to the birds. Being new here, my days are full of surprises. Phone: 802-387-6221 Log in Forgotten your password? Center for Teaching & Learning. Mr Nick Dawson. I visit every summer, and enjoy the beautiful architecture, surrounding landscapes, huge ocean waves, the cuisine and wines. In order that it does not get lost to posterity I have turned all four lists of Street Name Changes into an eBook , which you can download and keep. Departments: Email. Email: dmiller@putneyschool.org She is committed to instilling a love and aptitude of learning in all pupils in an environment which nurtures and stimulates intellectual curiosity, creativity and innovation. Email: hschmidt@putneyschool.org Email: mvercillo@putneyschool.org Putney has the courage to do things differently. Email: kchampney@putneyschool.org I grew up in New Jersey and Israel. Email: CHodgman@putneyschool.org Departments: Mrs Rachel Brewster. D.E.S.S. Administration. I came to The Putney School by chance, but the strength of the community has kept me here for nearly 20 years. I am originally from The Netherlands where I finished my college degree with majors in Geography and Economics. Enter Putney, the high school with the cows and obligatory work program, that would eventually help me form a big chunk of who I wanted to be (and who I did become!) On average, in the junior school, there are 48 children in a year, 2 classes in a year and 24 in each class. I greatly enjoy working with material objects, attending to the nuts and bolts (literally) of the school, and helping whenever I can. Departments: Though I didn’t go to Putney myself, my experience as staff member, alumnus, parent, and volunteer at other educational institutions repeatedly reveals just how powerful this tiny organism is, and how worthy of financial support that is essential to fulfilling its mission. 802-387-6277 (fax) Departments: Outside of work, I hike, play music on a daily basis and lots of other stuff. I was a late bloomer as a reader, but it is one of my favorite pastimes now along with cooking and gardening. Furthermore, she feels strongly that pupil voice and the ability to debate confidently should be encouraged in all aspects of school life as it is integral to the positive wellbeing of the pupils. I’m continually amazed by the synergy and inspiration that occurs when students and teachers learn together, sharing different cultures. At Putney, students work alongside us on the farm, in the kitchen, and in the woods. Yet moments of difficulty can also function as opportunities for connection and hope. I grew up on a hog and beef cattle farm in upstate NY and enjoy the proximity to the campus farm. Departments: Mr Andrew Miller joined Putney High School in September 2015 as a Year Three class teacher before being promoted to Junior School Deputy Head (Academic). What keeps me here is the authentic, creative, forward-thinking, and joyful nature of all that happens in this community. Our Head Girl team play an essential role in the running of the school. Departments: We will not be publishing reports during this time. Departments: Center for Teaching & Learning. Email: adougan@putneyschool.org At Putney, I have the opportunity to work in agriculture within a vibrant learning community. Modern Languages. Brad Davis Assistant Principal (Cb-F) Sarah ElSharif Assistant Principal (Sp-Z) Brandon Howard Assistant Principal (G-H) Carolyn Longoria Assistant Principal (I-Ma) M.F.A. Email: glittledale@putneyschool.org Mrs Page-Roberts gained her B.Ed (Hons) at the University of Chichester, where she majored in English. Our pupils take a passionate interest in the world around them within a nurturing, happy and stimulating environment. Putney High School is one of the UK's leading schools, with a reputation for providing the challenge of a rich and broad education for bright girls aged 4 – 18. Improving waste management systems is one of my main interests. I am humbled to be a part of the process and collaboration with students. When I’m not in the office, you might find me playing flute with various ensembles in New England. Email: pblair@putneyschool.org Science Department. As a seventh generation dairy farmer, I have a deep love for working with animals and for being outdoors. and Master’s degrees remotely, moved to the US (Minnesota), got married, travelled to about 20 countries for a total of 18 months and eventually relocated to Vermont. Email: dzweig@putneyschool.org Especially amongst the creative, curious and compassionate students at Putney as they delve into their academic interests, explore opportunities beyond school, all whilst developing the maturity to conquer challenges and, most importantly, building lifelong friendships. Miami University My goal in all courses is to help students pursue the big questions that matter to them. International & ESOL, History Department Chair and History/Humans in the Natural World Teacher, B.A. English Department. M.F.A School of Visual Arts, NY, Phone: 802-387-6241 After leaving to become a cataloger, I returned again to work in the college office because I missed the community and there is no place more beautiful to work. I was born and raised in Eastern Massachusetts and spent my college years in the Pioneer Valley around Amherst. Science and Humans in the Natural World Teacher, Phone: 802-387-6237 I enjoy the contrasts between the finite world of agriculture and the infinite opportunities in the classroom. Always on the lookout for another adventure, I couldn’t resist an invitation to help launch a new semester program, so I joined the founding faculty at the High Mountain Institute in Leadville, CO. A couple of years later, with the arrival of my daughter, the pull of living near grandmothers became powerful, and I found myself back in Vermont–where I have remained, more or less, ever since, raising my family, teaching at Putney, and putting down roots. Miami International School of Art & Design, Phone: 802-387-7335 Putney’s commitment to finding joy in the natural world, in hard work and in the creative process brought me here and keep me here. My students say, “it just makes sense when you explain it.”. Antioch University New England, Phone: 802-387-4730 bCRE-Pro Blackbaud University I have a background in horse training and Centered Riding, I am bit of a horse whisperer… and a kid whisperer, too. Bread Loaf School of English, Middlebury, Phone: 802-387-7328 Dartmouth College, Phone: 802-387-6255 Our Admissions team are always here. Facebook. I think that the Putney experience works because I see incredibly fine young men and women graduating off the hill, year after year. Departments: I’m continually surprised by the incredibly cool work I get to do with students. Marlboro College, Phone: 802-387-6231 The University of Scranton, Phone: 802-387-6256 I called and emailed my preferred school, saying I was waiting for them and they were our 1st choice, and would confirm immediately if they called us. Daycare. For PCS Families. M.A. Math Department. We believe that childhood is a time to explore. and in the summer can often be found floating in cold water, reading a book. An exceptional PK-8 School located in beautiful southern Vermont. Registrar Office. in English from Hartwick College, my M.A. At Putney, leadership means actually participating and voting as members of our admission committee, or on our board of trustees. They take charge of their learning, manage to make beautiful art, complete their coursework, and contribute to the functioning of the school — doing everything from milking cows to washing dishes and serving on the admissions committee — all on the same day. Departments: From the food to the reflective and educational conversations during our opening meetings every year, to the purposeful nature of our work with the students, Putney is exceptionally REAL. Nowhere else are students so vital to the physical operation of the school. I have two children who are both students at Putney. Alumni & Development. I was born and raised in Vermont and while I’ve lived away at various times of my life, I have always returned. PUTNEY HIGH SCHOOL. Departments: Department Heads, Email: dross@putneyschool.org

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