pros of birth control

The main pros of enforcing a Birth control policy (according to the WHO) are: “Reducing infant mortality, Helping to prevent HIV/AIDS, Reducing adolescent pregnancies and Slowing population growth”.However, there are still some debates regarding how this practice comes against religious and ethical principles. Oral contraceptives and cancer risk. Advantages of Contraceptive Pills: Reduces the risk of pregnancies. In addition, with many religions expressing a moral outrage over its use, it can be a challenge for many religious minded people to use birth control and fold its use into their faith. These are the pros and cons of birth control pills. This means that men and women have to be more careful with who they sleep with and even potentially use condoms or other dividers that can stop the transference of diseases. Helps Prevent Teenage Pregnancy Many people equate having children as an important step in their lives. Religion in general usually frowns on birth control to some extent. medications can lower the pill's effectiveness, ACOG Practice Bulletin No. ACOG Committee Opinion Number 540: Risk of venous thromboembolism among users of drospirenone-containing oral contraceptive pills. Women who take birth control pills for a minimum of 5 years have a lower risk of suffering from ovarian cancer or uterine cancer in the future. According to, one in three teens will become pregnant at least once before they are 20 years old. However, what was new was the convenience, the safety, and the fact that it put unprecedented autonomous control of women’s bodies into their own hands. Birth control pill side effects may include:. While abstinence only education fails to provide instruction for what happens when you do have sex, birth control instead is more effective when there is proper sex education on the topic. The pill is to be taken orally by the woman, and the most popular birth control pill contains a combination of two hormones, estrogen and progesterone. Pros of the Birth Control Pill Benefits of the pill include: The pill is a very convenient method of contraception. Are Progestin-Only Birth Control Pills for You? That being said, keep in mind that it may take some trial and error with various pill brands until you find the brand that works best with your body. Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol. The experience of sex is different for everyone. 110: noncontraceptive uses of hormonal contraceptives. Most people don’t use any method perfectly, which is why the choice of birth control is a personal decision … When birth control pills were introduced to the market, it was regarded as a huge medical breakthrough, and women were given control over their reproduction for the first time in history. Trends in Urology, Gynaecology & Sexual Health. Some parents have a hard time trying to decide if they should give the birth control for fear that moral and ethical misunderstanding on the issue. ; The effective birth control helps women to worry less about pregnancy and is a very effective form of family planning. If a teenager gets pregnant, she will likely drop out of school and will delay her educational attainment. 1. More or less however the point of birth control is simple, to stop a woman from becoming pregnant during sex. Looks like the pros are to outweigh the cons as the cons are only a small percentage of happening. For starters, research indicates that a staggeringly low amount of men —just five percent—regularly use condoms during sex. For these reasons and more, birth control is seen as morally wrong. Most combination birth control pills contain 10 … If one has had unprotected sex, there are two emergency ways of avoiding pregnancy: 1) A paragard IUD within 120 hours of unprotected sex can help to avoid pregnancy in the easiest of ways. With typical use, hormonal birth control is about 90% effective. It is also known as contraception or fertility control. The pill may offer some protection against pelvic inflammatory disease (which, if left untreated, can cause infertility). Not being the most fun thing in the world, many women feel empowered by being able to control when they have periods and will sometimes use birth control for no other reason but because they want this freedom. The following tables list some pros and cons of using hormonal birth control methods. For those who truly enjoy the experience as well as the psychological and physical intensity of the moment, not being interrupted means having a more complete experience. Protection against developing these cancers can last up to 30 years after stopping combination birth control pills. Why the Pill Is Good for More Than Simply Preventing Pregnancy, Must-Know Facts About Birth Control Pills. Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. In addition, some religions see sex as not being meant for enjoyment. Practice bulletin No. 5. When you visit any doctor, it is very important that you include your pill brand under the "list of medications" that you are currently using. May Run Into Issues With Mood Swings It is a great way to prevent pregnancy as it is 99 percent effective. Certain. What Is Contraceptive Sponge – Pros and Cons . The pill is actually one of the most researched and studied of all medications. The Pros and Cons of Birth Control Pills. Along with being religiously undesirable, birth control does not protect against STD’s or HIV, and can have a wide range of affects depending on your physiology. Pros and Cons of Hormonal Birth Control . In order to prevent pregnancy, birth control pills interrupt the natural cycle and instead fill the body with artificial hormones to control ovulation. It’s an effective contraception method. Every time you forget, there is the risk that intercourse will lead to pregnancy. When considering birth control in comparison to abortion, many people see birth control as the lesser of two evils.

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