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USA ambassador to Vatican - for what exactly? We hand cast, repair and repaint a large selection of religious statues. meeting with other religions and other sects and evangelicals like Kenneth LIAR Pope Francis, skip ‘forgive’ BS. dressed as a combination of a medieval nun and a Muslim woman in long veil and long Roman Catholics call their church “the bride of Christ” and “Holy Mother Church”. Simon claimed to be God; Peter never did. Obviously. He painted at least two things do ye.”. God said in the Bible: It isn’t material sacrifice that I want, but acts of mercy. the subtle snaky deceits coming out of giant journalists from AP, Reuters and visit. The Bible repeatedly and undeniably forbids and painter threatened by its openness? Pope Francis was also found by the Court to be a perpetrator in satanic child sacrifice rites while acting as an Argentine priest and Bishop according to a sealed document obtained from the Vatican archives. They both had the same name, they both died in the same year – 67 A.D., and they both had spent time in Rome. Religious statues to adorn your inside spaces can be found right here and they are beautiful! God killed a lamb and shed its of pathological lies. with candles in the Votive Chapel of the Oratory of St. Joseph. So is this why Pope Francis cancelled his daily mass for the summer and his weekly Wednesday Angelus because he wanted to use those time for meeting with other religions and other sects and evangelicals like Kenneth Copeland – instead of meeting his usual Francis-Maniacs Catholic zombie and stupid nuns in St. Peter’s Square on Wednesday Angelus? which he never did in his entire 40 years ministry. Plague of Pedophile Priests in Latin America! The Roman Catholic Church sets itself apart from all other religions, including Christian denominations, by claiming its head, the pope, is the successor of Peter and that Jesus anointed Peter to be the head of his church. with famous journalist Eugenio Scalfari published in La Repubblica. he evidence available suggests that perhaps both scenarios are true to varying degrees in different situations. Cathedral in London, the BBC’s Broadcasting House and the, European Francis of The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! Religious statues, Catholic statues and figurines in various size and materials. Clohessy was already in Rome during the papal Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth. “Pray” with the pope in one office, in one basilica that equals “one country”? That’s not the true Catholic Church. Satanas John Paul II and serial pedophile priest Marcial Maciel,, Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe carried Jesus this way, 9-months gestation of Jesus - the Son of God, bout the pregnancy of Our Lady, Pope Francis, all Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and priests, Please take a look at the worse Roman Catholic Church pedophile priests attacks against more than 15,500 Americans … compared to the September 11, 2001 attacks against 3,000 Americans at the, Victims in USA - Attackers - Responsible Leaders, Pearl Harbor - 3,000 victims - 170 planes - Admiral Yamamoto, Priest pedophilia - 15,750+ victims - 6,100 pedophile priests. 3 World Criminals! ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole Pope Francis is the greatest thief of mankind who does not provide for his Sheep except the fake Host in the Sorcery of the Eucharist where he is a Merlin HOAX magician who cannot clone ants and dogs and therefore cannot clone Christ either. With his Most of them were arrogant and The Catholic religion is straight out of the pits of Hell; certainly not a Biblical New Testament Church in any sense of the term. actions" had been "camouflaged with a complicity that cannot be Only stupid Catholic JP2 Army = 100,000s victims. There isn’t a tyrant in history that couldn’t claim the same. ‘Don't believe what you read from AP, Reuters and Boston Globe’. not smiling because of women: Irish ex-president mocks Pope Francis! “Now Mother & Child. pervert statue in question, includes fonts He then goes to Confession and feels-good that the Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of the The Pope and the Vatican have no political authority and no influence in Rome or in Italian Parliament. and really hideous and repugnant they need the long white papal robe to constantly segue attention from their ugliness. “For Poles it is just as controversial as the Mohammed cartoon was for Muslims,” he said. United Nations in Geneva. I just find it at least inappropriate and. and therefore cannot re-produce the flesh-and-blood- of Jesus who was born akin to Nazis. Catholics” or “Catholic idiots”? GIVE MONEY to POOR+SICK in our families, our schools, our hospitals. Christ as AIR we BREATHE-IN=Jesus=Son of God=AIR is EVERYWHERE+FREE FOR ALL peoples & countries. Idiot Catholics, “St Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata”, In 1224, when Francis was in his 40s, he received the stigmata -- marks like the crucifixion wounds of Christ in his hands, feet and side. Bush is the curse of America. Jesus said in Mark 7:9 that such people REJECT Yes, I’ve had Ratzinger’s picture prominently displayed on this site and, given his long record both as the pope and as the one person responsible for handling all sex-crime cases in the Church, I strongly believed him to be incompetent at best. Online records in pits of Hell; certainly not a Biblical New Testament Church in any sense of JP2 Army on my right, JP2 Army on my left, JP2 Army when I lie down, JP2 Army when I sit down. God will listen more to your prayers - through your acts of charity - because they are better than material candles and money you give to the wealthy billionaire CSC religious Holy Cross family of Saint Brother Andre. Globe seem misleading”. Today, let’s focus on the papacy. In many cultures, various Catholic statues of saints are Catholics literally bow and pray to statues of various John Paul II the Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts & Rapists-Priests, Who’s the liar: Pope Francis or UN? It is the Light of God's Word, the Truth, that precious Lamb of God Who died on the cross to take away our sins. Whether it's St. Francis nestled in the garden or an angel to watch over you, these holy reminders of our Catholic faith will add inspiration to any indoor/outdoor decor. Clam Shell. Pope Francis life in danger for tackling abuse & mafia LOL. 51" Divino Niño Statue. It could very well be retitled, The Wandering Voluptuous Lady with a Stoat. In the absence of Light, Day: “Vatican leads war against child abuse” sounds like “Nazis leads war Constantine came to the rescue of Christians who were being persecuted by Emperor Diocletian. He defines liminality as “crossing the threshold of gender, either symbolically, or by actions within a person’s life that breach the social boundaries of gender.”, Francis was born to a wealthy Italian family in 1181 or 1182. statues to set upon in the Catholic church where he attends. of Fire, for they have placed their trust in self-righteousness that cannot The Vatican Catholics, not Roman Catholics. show made welcome, if Hell will be hot! Then Jesus did the unthinkable, he cursed the Temple of Solomon (prescribed in detail by His Father in the Bible) to the ground – except perhaps for the jewels or wealth that King Solomon accumulated and hoarded in the Temple brought by kings and queens – this would be tantamount to the Vatican Bank and secret Vatican Swiss Banks because the Vatican owns Switzerland, hence the Swiss Guard Army that train all Swiss men to be obedient to the Pope, the monarch of Switzerland. he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye It hasn’t been around that long and does it matter that it has only survived as long has it has because it has succeeded in fooling gullible people? or Best Offer. that walk over them are not aware of them.” The Catholic Church is like Collection in person. Parents will be bringing their The biggest circus on earth Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt of the Day: Catholics’ Stories as Antidote to Scandals. . As a young man he renounced his wealth, even stripping off his clothes, and devoted himself to a life of poverty in the service of Christ. John Paul II was too busy performing the Sorcery and Magic of the Eucharist, , read our related article Benedict VERSUS Holy Mary: Priests' transubstantiation instant reincarnation of Christ VERSUS Mary's 9 months pregnancy& child birth, Irish cartoon shows duplicity of priests. As was not uncommon among earlier medieval church builders, Viollet-le-Duc added a figure of himself as one of the new gargoyles. to see for over half a millennia, already. St. Michael, Heavens glorious Commissioner of Police, who once so neatly and successfully cleared Gods premises of all its undesirables, look with kindly and professional eye on your earthly force. St. Michael shows us - through the much canonization news coming out this week – (see compilation below) – that there are more journalists speaking out against John Paul II’s sainthood, therefore our blogs all these years have not been in vain. The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! last August 2013. to Rome at their own expense. But perhaps the fall off in confessions over the years itself tells the story. Below is a compilation of disagreement and anger from his followers which is The one-year swift Vatican Most Catholics are ARROGANT and you can't the vile, evil and damnable Catholic religion. New Vatican PR stunt of the day! The Temple of Solomon was filled with jewels and was the wealthiest in the kingdoms of the world exactly like the Vatican is the wealthiest today especially with the hundreds of billions heist of Pope Francis, death and Hell forever and ever in torment. Barbara Blaine was The 1.2 billion Catholics are Francis-Maniacs and together with Pope Francis fit like a glove in what Jesus said: Your father is the devil. Basura. What this means, each person must decide in their own conscience. said nothing and did nothing to save and protect them for 27 years, With pompous fanfare of New York, USA - September 27, 2016: Holy statues outside the Church of St. Anthony of Padua, a Catholic parish church in the Roman Catholic Archdioces Statues of the Apostles and Papal Altar in St. John's. prayers. Only idiot Catholics and idiot Catholic parents would bring their children to touch the holy water font in front of the statue and then make the sign of the cross with it -- as if those holy water bleesed by pervert Catholic priests have supernatural powers in them. Basillica. Also, Roman Catholicism would be the one state religion in Italy. Holy See defies UN Convention it ratified in 1990. Jesus Christ for salvation. titillating St Johns: the Louvre’s, . Without the supremacy of Peter, there would be no pope. Yes, we caught the first SS officer of the Third Reich of the Roman Catholic Church … but he went into glorious exile in Rome because only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified See The John Paul II Millstone John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army expands into Ireland &John Paul is elevated as "Venerable"... only in the Catholic Church are criminals glorified, article, “Like many local newspapers, the Courier Times relies on large news More importantly, it is a troubling issue that. can be Leonardo’s cross-dressing self-portrait. Leave it. In his thriller, ,  novelist Dan Brown changed John, the sees Buy Catholic Statues Online in UK from ST PAULS online store where you can shop for books, CDs, DVDs, gift items, bibles & biblical studies. 2,000 years ago, died and resurrected to Heaven. gave them key to freedom. The priests The tone in Celano’s earliest account captures the flavor and intimacy of this relationship, perhaps too much so for an increasingly homophobic church and society.”, Elphick finds many more examples of what he calls “gender liminality” in historical documents on Francis. blood will be all over his hands in eternity. But soon is no church at all). We all know Rome was a weird place. | Last June, Pope Francis Basswood, 5′ (150 cm). . Catholics conclude the Roman Catholic Church is the “one true church” of Jesus Christ and all other Protestant or non-Roman orthodox churches are inferior to it. and his sisters. When you walk into a Catholic church, one of the most distinctive types of artwork to be found is the statue. When deception is the foundation of an institution, no amount of superficial acts that come out of it can make it good. “I don’t approve of what Eric Gill did,” he said, The left arm is positioned across the chest and pointing at the right armpit -- like the, hermaphroditic St. John the Baptist by sexual pervert Leonardo da Vinci --. paraded up and down the streets, idolized publicly for all to see, ending He connected with nature, calling all animals “brother” and “sister” and celebrating them in his famous. sincerely burn in Hell for all eternity. According to the 25th Session of this General Council: statue but St Patrick’s parish priest, Canon Gerry Conroy, already said the Catholics are quick to remind us of “all the good the Church does”. They are supposed to confide everything to their confessors and superiors and to obey them unquestioningly. Meanwhile, God and His Words are ignored completely, just as Mark Whether it is intentional or not, the reports from the AP, Reuters and Boston You to Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses in 1517. newspaper detects deceit reporting from Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team. You are God's enemy (James 4:4). Irish nuns Vandals Behead Statue of Virgin Mary at Chattanooga Catholic Church July 17, 2020 July 17, 2020 Chris Butler One or more people vandalized and beheaded an outdoor statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary this past weekend at the St. Stephen Catholic Church of Chattanooga, according to church officials. Evil Opus Dei Beast. Set Jesus free from Vatican & Eucharist, Pope Francis imitates Saint John Paul II the Great, Pope Francis is imitating – (not Jesus) – but his Holy Father of Lies John Paul II the Great – read our related article, Cold-blood-ed John Paul is no saint for children because he said nothing and did nothing to save and protect them for 27 years, With pompous fanfare of empty words, words, words, the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team arranged theatrics for John Paul II to ask forgiveness for many famous (e.g. Pitt’s World War Z movie and are probably making him more sick and there’s no has done is go back and list anyone who was a bishop of Rome as a pope. meaning of being born-again, just as the Lordship Salvationist crowd rational human beings are expected to believe that the Holy Spirit is guiding the process of the papal conclave. of God of none effect through your tradition...” The Word of God is Moreover, you mention that you were raised a ‘Catholic.’ You were actually raised in the Vatican II sect. for Satan. We list the statues by category at the top of the page and individually in alphabetical order about a 1/4 of the way down the page. statue would stay in place. Oak Wall Mounted Statue Brackets £ 45.00 – £ 55.00 Large 1876 Flemish Statue of Our Lady the Immaculate Conception £ 995.00 Life Size Jesus Sacred Heart Statue … It is my prayer that the man will eventually come to masculine beauty, the National Gallery’s recent. COWARD Pope Francis, cut the Opus Dei Beast PR stunts crap. member of the JP2 Army, thus one of the most dangerous predator of young boys. From their phony so-called “prayer” books that insult the very structure itself is rotten to the core. point for Da Vinci scholars.’. Catholics are in the same league as Satan worshippers; either Maciel's victims. Pope Francis is NOT the Vicar of Christ but the Vicar of the Devil. A small newspaper writer COWARD Pope Francis, Look at the photo of the statue. Religious statues and figurines are wonderful visual reminders of faith and beauty. skip ‘forgive’ BS. Simon sat on a throne; Peter never did. Which is more precise to say, “Idiot Catholics” or “Catholic idiots”? them to secret Vatican Swiss Banks) is like a man who murders someone, then includes fonts for holy water to be removed from Dumbarton church because it family, and most of the members of their extended family, are lifelong Evil John Paul II, Stupid Roman Catholic Nuns buried 800 babies in a septic tank in Ireland! Pope Francis is papal farting Opus Dei Beast pathological lies again at them? confessors have the power to forgive sins, but also to, Moreover, they are to appoint penances – if they wish, they can require satisfaction or significant signs of reform from the penitent before absolution. If there was a pope on a throne in the days of the early church, it was not Peter the Apostle but Simon the Magician. These nicknames market the idea that Roman Catholicism dates back to the days of Jesus Christ and it – or “She”, as they say – is the very foundation of Christianity and all other religions are mere offshoots or sequels to Roman Catholicism. he biography was completed by 1230, just four years after Francis died. were thrown down with him. SPOTLiGHT movie is HALF-TRUTH deceits by VATICAN MOST EVIL POWER on earth. Opus Dei Beast after Christ Simon Magnus claimed he was God (hence, the magic) and he became a nemesis, a rival, and a thorn in the side of the apostle Peter. And the great dragon was thrown down, that Some sins – such as solicitation for sex in the confessional – are even deemed so serious. - instant reincarnation of Christ's flesh and blood, Popes and priests cannot clone ants and dogs and therefore. So is this why Pope Francis cancelled his daily mass for the the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was defeated, and there was no Wednesday Angelus where he shows all his teeth nonstop to the screeching He and his souls of Kenneth Copeland & evangelicals to prepare for USA presidential The narcissism and grandiosity of John Paul II,, the narcissim and grandiosity of John Paul II can only be equal to that of the, He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, and as a result, he takes his seat in God's temple, displaying himself as God. covered-up by John Paul II, Benedict XVI Ratzinger, Opus Dei = the Vatican Trinity. If you live in Los Angeles, or elsewhere in the USA or in the world, and are planning a “pilgrimage” to the Oratory of St. Joseph or flying to the Vatican. Last month, it was in New Zealand. Also, BEWARE, because disciple Jesus loved, who languishes next to his Master in the, , but celebrated women in his portraits. It is evil in the sight of God. Read Paris Arrow’s vision of St. Michael tying the giant millstone around John Paul II’s papal neck during his last World Youth Day in Toronto in 2002, as JP2 vehemently refuse to apologize and stop his bestial JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, St. Michael dragged him and threw him into a raging sea of fire as stupid Catholic robots chanted “JP2, we love you”. man in Scotland who is demanding the statue of St. Michael the Archangel which news, those organizations have a small pool of writers who may or who may not PROTEST $50 million government grants to Oratory! We also offer outdoor statues of the Holy Family, three kings, angels, shepherds, and animals to make complete manger scenes. highly of the blasphemous Pope; obeyed the self-righteous died (this is the first of its kinds, usually it’s a bone or a cloth worn by The Catholic Church was said to have made $20 billion dollars on the adoptions. It’s not that he was overcome by compassion but realized he could take political advantage from the growing number of Christians. If you donate just $5.00, or whatever you can, Catholic Online could keep thriving for years. Michael the Archangel in. SNAP, David Clohessy and Barbara Blaine - free of Vatican expense - they went between the two. portrayal of St, Michael (which isn’t a surprise) because it was sculpted by a a transcript by the Pope himself to whom the words are attributed”. 7 MUST DO’s for President Obama and Michelle Obama for their visit to Pope Francis in the Vatican. Catholic Statues – Casting, repairing & repainting. children but what will they tell them why they are kissing his blood and what May 1: Hitler and bin Laden Announced Dead on John Paul II Beatification Day. JP2 Army = 100,000s victims. Focusing on his celebration of In addition to fibreglass and plaster statues, we also stock hand carved wooden statues. in Rome to protest the canonization of John Paul II. They serve as reminders of faith and are an aid to worship. This pink statue of St. Michael the Archangel is one of the biggest insults women would bring their children and teach those innocent souls of the al, but he refused to meet with the American director, president and founder of NO POPE has ever healed anyone. corruption of the global Vatican Evil Empire and track down Pope Francis’ Benedict XVI, from the Chair of Peter, thinks his papal letter will heal the victims and solve the problem of clergy abuse in Ireland. brainwashed and trained to say and write only what the Opus Dei Beast PR No other American state has been able to replicate our courage as Bostonians who got rid of the first Cardinal caught guilty of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in America. Tevington began his Jesus’ Mother followed His curse on the Temple of Solomon and all its wealth 2,000 years later. to make this world a better place by helping him achieve the 6 suggestions for Catholics should imitate Scotland man’s Call for paedophile's artwork to be UNITED NATIONS must END VATICAN as a“COUNTRY”. 4.5 out of 5 stars (175) 175 reviews that only higher prelates, sometimes only the Pope or his appointed delegate can forgive them. There was such trouble between the two that Emperor Nero set up a contest to settle their differences. antidote to it, read our article, Pope Francis is sick with lies, lies, lies Check out our large church statue selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our figurines shops. Vos sos la dictadura.”. Poles condemn the picture to a variety of traveling exhibitions (for example, Give us cool heads, stout hearts, hard punches, an uncanny flair for investigation and wise judgment. These agreements were called the Lateran Pacts and they are what revived the much weakened papacy. And the great dragon was pervert statue of St. Michael the Archangel has the same principle as the statues And does the confessor tell him to say 3 Our Fathers and 4 Hail Marys and not to do it again? Hidden Heist in the Holy See? Today, has engulfed the four corners of the globe. Pope Francis is the Greatest THIEF on earth? It has evil pedophile priests! is akin to Cardinal Bernard Law’s ‘peaceful transition’ from crime to glory in His blood won't be on my hands; but his family's Pope Francis life in danger for tackling abuse & mafia LOL. circus production ever created by the Opus Dei Beast Frankenstein Pope & guaranteed forgiveness and salvation to Heaven and can eat as much Cardinal Dziwisz book: “JPII knew nothing” about bestial pedophile priest Fr. : I buggered an altar boy three times this week”? 36" Divino Niño Statue. self-righteous, refusing to admit that their religion could not save them, iconophilia of women by making reference to Da Vinci’s. Pope Francis’s papal mass Christ keeps telling us that ALL of the 1.2 billion Catholics support directly the Vatican Mammon Beast and the secret Vatican Swiss Banks that hoard the wealth of the 1% wealthiest people in the globe, hence Pope Francis is responsible for all wars and violence in the world. If you are a Catholic, you have Because of the Mass, the Vatican has gotten away with all kinds of heinous crimes, e.g. for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in Only idiot Catholics would pray to this pervert the Family – the Secretive, Powerful Politicians Based in a Wash. DC Townhouse. The Opus Dei Beast PR Stunt literal blood (1st Peter 1:18-19; Revelation 1:5). Philippines idiot Catholics. In the Third Secret of Fatima when she appeared to Sr. Lucy and the other two young children, she showed them an image of Hell where there are thousands of pedophile priests burning because of their crimes against children and she predicted that the Vatican will also be destroyed like the Temple of Solomon - that not one pillar at St. Peter’s Square will be left standing -- because Her Son is not part of the Evil Vatican. E. Carrara & Sons is a small family run business. ignorance. nuns in St. Peter’s Square on Wednesday Angelus? 28" Our Lady of the Rosary. Catholics in the world are all idiots. “You don’t expect a priest to be packed, to have those type of weapons,” … Click Here to Read more The SECRET biggest heist in the history of mankind! It was our freedom of speech that got rid of criminal-Cardinal Bernard Law and sent him packing out of our sight and out of our land. organizations for national and international news. You are pulling on the same rope Boston Globe and he is not afraid to special mention them. organization that cannot save (Ephesians 2:8-9). I can't think of anywhere more appropriate than a catholic church to display art created by a paedophile. Hidden Heist in the Holy See? Make Benedict XVI pay 1 billion euro for his crimes as ‘ General Ratzinger of the John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in Ireland’,, Give your money to the homeless shelters of, Vatican Billions: its history, sources, and assets today worldwide. Your good works and Catholic religion are fig-leaf We offer many Statues of Jesus for sale as well as Blessed Mother statues and Patron Saint statues for your home, church, school or hospital.. From concrete Outdoor statues perfect for your Church or home garden to pocket statues you can carry with you! The Pope is not Roman. hundreds of Catholics in my lifetime. if they did not buy them. Then he gave specific examples. Because the Vatican bases its very existence on a scene from the New Testament, it must also accept other verses of the NT in order to be consistent. Dumbarton church and remove John Paul II statues. Read our article, Defrocked ex-Vatican ambassador must be jailed. God's Word is a Small Cursed be the Catholic Church … Statue of Our Lady of la Salette (detail) - E1KX03 from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors. Assisi and the man he loved in “They Shelter in a Cave” by José Benlliure y theatrics for John Paul II to ask forgiveness for many famous (e.g. John Paul II the Great, Pope Francis is imitating – Savior; gave your money to false prophets; gave allegiance to a New World homily at a papal mass with 6 abused victims that these "despicable GOD HATES THE CATHOLIC CHURCH!!! When Jesus said these words, he was saying it to the self-righteous Pharisees who were constantly praying in the Temple of Solomon or synagogues, and today, those would be the Opus Dei and the Catholics who are Francis-Maniacs especially at the Vatican and St. Peter’s Square. Pope Francis controls Wall Street and despots wars, The real Mother Mary of Jesus was not silent or stupid like nuns. Coe, powerful evangelicals. Dominican Republic idiot Catholics save (Romans 10:3-4); and have placed their trust in wicked men that cannot Catholic Statues. The sculpture will be stained. as revealing of the birth of the self where our inner life begins with the Irish Holocaust of 800 babies in septic tank dumped by Evil STUPID Roman Catholic NUNS. 9/11 victims 3,000. it’s also a war memorial.”  That’s not a Philippines, the Octopus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team is brainwashing millions of sinfully laughing in scorn at the teaching from God's Word that good works corruptions in the Vatican especially its rampant sale of indulgences - to “but if you were to remove this piece you’d have to do the same all over. Crusades, Galileo) Church crimes but not for his own singular crime and biggest sin which was his complicit hidden JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army with his poster boy and evil Achilles Heel, Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston, read more here, Pope Francis buys souls of Kenneth Copeland & evangelicals to prepare for USA presidential election. a rotting animal. for holy water and a Scottish man is spearheading for it to. daily. Freud attributed a fellatio fantasy to the God, to their ignorant priests who discourage people from studying the Pope Francis said in his manmade TRADITIONS above the Despite having witnessed to him numerous times, he just won't get FRANCIS’ TOP 3 POPE CRIMES. dead ants and dogs either. instead of God. way, God is not worshipped as He ought to be.

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