lotro hunter blue line build 2020

Oh and one last thing before I get started; I tried to keep my stats as similar as possible so I did these tests in what I call my Rakathos build (stats listed below) and apart from the 15k or so jump in my mastery when using the Pelennor set, nothing else changed too drastically. The goal of the LOTRO Basics site is to give players up-to-date guides, resources, and information for LOTRO! Bow skills that cost focus to use no longer have a cost. Also I do have some decent AOE in red especially now that Split Shot has been buffed. To start things off the main difference between Rakathos and the Mumaks is that where Rakathos was about as getting as much damage as you can, the Mumaks instead you to build for as much survivability as you can. I am always happy to talk hunter and to answer any questions. Easy right? It is all about buffing induction attacks and heart seeker damage. Once the mob is cc'd I would then re-apply any dot's and repeat. When the solo enemy finally manages to close into melee range, the Hunter is well-equipped to deal the finishing blow with some of their melee skills. As red line you benefit more from raw mastery than blue line does, so the more you can get the better. Again this is depending on how often I am getting Improved Fleetness, Strong Draw and Powerful Draw to proc but if they are working in my favour then I am able to pretty much maintain that rotation. So while I have taken this into account I have also mentioned a more sturdy option just in case a different strategy is used. As a tank, the goal is for this to be triggered near the maximum amount around once every 15 seconds. *Note: Even though it does not mention it, I have thoroughly tested it and it reduces the focus cost of Barrage by one as well. Now I am no expert on yellow line as I can almost literally count the number of times I have actually traited yellow line on one hand, and all of them were in moors when I had a warg pack that was being annoying so I went yellow line to annoy them back :D Anyway the idea behind yellow line (or at least the way I see it) is that you want to hit mobs with dot's and then drag them through your traps/use bow attacks to CC them, so they are not able to do damage on you but are still taking damage from the dot's. Critical Rating: 21.3k with the Osgiliath set and 19.5k with the Pelennor set, . For me, red line is all about sustained damage, using a combination of traits and rotation to maintain steady dps. I did mention these above but since posting that have decided that they are a must have: - Essence of the Powerful Draw: This is pretty much the best thing you can get when it comes to power management. The Hunter has three different trait specialisation sets: the Bowmaster, the Huntsman and the trapper of Foes. There is no cooldown on it so you can have it pretty much active the entire time if you get lucky with crits. LM is really slow until you get to ca 20-25, then your pet alone can one shot or two shot everything. Blue line offers great burst damage with your pet, especially the bog. The number one issue you will find with running blue line is that the power consumption is through the roof! Lastly, they do not offer much fellowship support compared to other tanks. I do like to get both the trait from yellow (Natural Extracts) and blue (Barbed Fury) for an extra 45% damage over time, this combined with a maxed out legacy (+126%) gives you +171% damage over time, which is all kinds of crazy! Introduction. That is crazy! If you can get more than that, do so. If you do have any questions about why I have traited a certain why or maybe even why I didn't include something then please do not hesitate to ask! A small, poorly scaled boost to a gambit line (32+) that is frequently used. Must-have skill for necessary AoE force taunt. I recently fired up my Hunter, who's at the end of Mirkwood, and realized that my current Blue Line build is really weak compared to what it was pre-update. You gain a buff while moving this time. 1. So the 2 main conclusions I have come to are: 1) So while there is a difference between using the Osgiliath set compared to the Pelennor set, it is no quite as huge of gap as I was expecting. Though in saying that just remember there are minimum requirements which you can find just below. LotRO's new mounted combat system is big and complex. Updated Formatting, New Guides, and More! Just remember that for hunter it doesn't really matter what weapon you choose as you will rarely be using your melee attacks. Oh and one last thing (for real this time!) ), On every Harmful skill, 10% chance to +10% Run Speed -1 Reduces focus cost of Penetrating Shot and Blood Arrow, Using a skill that costs Focus has a 15% chance to: -1 Focus Costs for skills. The gambits boosted, Dance of War and Conviction are both already used for their buffs. And with that I think that is blue line done. Contains skills, builds and rotations for blue trait line (aoe) + red line (single target) dps. Red Line DPS Warden 'Reckless' Build By Araphorn & Wulfdur Table of Contents IntroductionStat GoalsGearTrait TreesVirtuesLegendary ItemsSwap LIsRotationConsumables Introduction Welcome, here you will find a possibly the best Red Warden build you can find, tuned specifically for high-end T3+ raiding. If you end up swapping out the heart-seeker set for essence gear than you will of course end up with more mastery.- Red Line: Even after hitting all the above mentioned stats you should easily be able to hit at least 75-80k mastery. Red Captain 'Warlord' Build By Araphorn Table of Contents IntroductionStat GoalsGearTrait TreesVirtuesLegendary ItemsSwap LIsRotationConsumables Introduction Welcome, here you will find a really good build for Red Captains, tuned specifically for DPS support and some heals (HPS). Finesse: 14.6k with the Osgiliath set and 11.9k with the Pelennor set, . And lastly, remember that for Rakathos you, Anyway before I enter combat I will use food, tokens, scrolls, hunter oils (try to use fire as much as possible unless there is a fire reflect or the mob is immune to fire), bow chants (Anorien breach-finders are the best option) and damage tomes. Huntsman (Blue): Hunters that are required to be on the move will use this line. This is especially useful for when the defiliers spawn at around 30% as heart seeker reduces a mobs incoming healing by 50% when In for the Kill is traited. Focusing on damage and being and offensive tank. (Maybe put some of the yellow line legacies on here as well such as. So I know we haven't actually started on Vadokhar yet however I thought I would just hold this space for when we do! While this won't be as valuable as a main tank for difficult content, it is a base build that allows the additional threat from the blue-line spec, necessary and highly valuable traits, and then focuses on damage. In more recent years, tanking has come down to how large of hits can you survive, where mitigations and crit defence reign king as tanking stats. Right so now that I have gotten all that out of the way let's get started! Back in the day, it was a viable tank spec during periods when avoidance based tanking - block, parry, and evade (BPE) - was impactful. ). Lol so that ended up being even shorter than I expected but I hope it helped somewhat! Traits in the blue line increase pet utility and usefulness, as well as LM survivability. In this mode, you can fight other players in their Monster Play character, which has monsters like Orc Reaver, Warg Stalker, Uruk Blackarrow, and Spider Reaver. So my bow legacies for yellow line would be something like this: I tend to run in Precision and spam induction attacks when in yellow line so my bow reflects that, however depending on how you build you may want to swap some of the induction legacies such as Quick SHot Damage or Swift Bow Damage for ones such as Explosive Arrow Damage or Distracting Shot Resistance Penetration (though if you have a decent amount of finesse say 11k and over you won't really need this one). Lord of the Rings Online. As for a more basic rotation mine pretty much goes like this: Barrage > Pen Shot > Barrage 2 > Blood Arrow > Pen Shot x2 > Barrage 3 > Pen Shot > Barrage 3 > Pen Shot > etc etc. So I have had quite a few people ask me for my hunter build these last few days (didn't realise my hunter was missed that much!) :D. So same as above, am merely holding this space for when we do start working on the Unbroken One. These are things that I have both noticed myself and which I have had fed-back to me from various tanks and healers. The trick to maximize your DPS output as a blue hunter is to enable yourself to spam focus bow skills. - Physical Mastery: This will vary depending on whether you are running blue or red line however a good guide is that you want it as high as possible. - updated background and builds sections and fixed display issues. Initially launched as a video series on YouTube covering the "basics" of LOTRO, it has transformed into this website. The guide emphasizes leveling and the DPS role. Physical Mastery: 62.8k with the Osgiliath set and 79.1k with the Pelennor set. This class guide in the Lord of the Rings Online focuses on a trait build on the blue line spec for Lore Masters, Keeper of Animals. LOTRO: Warg Stalker Guide Guide. And that is a good thing! For me, blue has always been my favourite of the lines and was always about quick inductions and focus shots. This is much less useful for a DPS Warden and usually ignored. Once things have settled down in real life I will be adding more to this guide so be sure to watch this space! I found this was the better option as it allowed me to go into more detail. lotro champion weapon choice. 48 hour Town Services itemSubscriber’s Jug that grants accelerated Crafting times and item wear prevention buffs for 48 hours. - Blue Line: You should aim for 70k at the very least. This class guide in the Lord of the Rings Online focuses on a trait build on the red line for Hunters, Bowmaster. Critical Rating: 21.3k with the Osgiliath set and 19.5k with the Pelennor set. For information on trait setups or rotations for red please see the main post above as nothing will really change for you. No Miss Chance Penalty for Movement. The Red line might have more DPS on paper, but in my thousands of hours of experience as a hunter in this game, Blue line is simply more fun, has higher survivability, and can do content above level more consistently than the Red line. While this won't be as valuable as a main tank for difficult content, it is a base build that allows the additional threat from the blue-line spec, necessary and highly valuable traits, and then focuses on damage. I have added a post below where I will go into detail the benefits of using the heart seeker set compared to using a full set of essence gear. Physical Mastery: 62.8k with the Osgiliath set and 79.1k with the Pelennor set. The amount of poisons you will get in this fight is insane and being able to resist some of them will be a god-send. Here's the first of our 3-part guide into the inner worki Guide. I used the same trait setup for both armour sets (the same one posted above in my Rakathos guide) and parsed for about 2m (give or take a couple of seconds) on the Dol Amroth training dummies. The best way to counteract this was to trait and use Exsanguinate from blue straight after using upshot as it would reduce the attack animation. The trait is available starting at level 5, but with the bug you'll have to wait until level 10 unless you want to run around with only a main-hand weapon. Đăng ngày : 21/01/2021 . The Hunter is the ranged DPS king of the Lord of the Rings Online. And of course in saying all this the most important thing to remember is: Don't rely too heavily on a rotation as you will find that adapting to what proc is currently active is most important. For my current set-up, I have built my traits around anything that benefits focus attacks or heart seeker damage. I do want to apologise for any typos in advance! My Minstrel is L65 and is an Elf. But, any time you occasionally need a small mitigation boost it gives a minor increase to mitigations on a CD for a short duration. Although this ends up fairly similar to the balanced build, it does allow for more survivability if you feel that is needed for your gameplay experience! Over time, LOTRO has shifted away from BPE tanking to mitigation/crit defence tanking, meaning the evasion stats are less useful than they once were. - Morale: You will want 35k unbuffed at the very least. Edit: I have now added a section blow that explains how Barrage tiering works so please refer to that for more information. Taken for tanking, typically high point DPS Wardens end their blue line points before this trait. I find the best way is to simply use 3 T8 Supreme or Ithilien Finesse essences, plus whatever extra you may have on your armour. Read more. This will take some practice so my advice is to spend as much time as you are able in front of a training dummy to help you get used to them. Atom . Due to the frequent use and no other better choices, DPS Wardens often take this option at a full 5 points. and will continue to do so as I feel it is necessary. I don't really bother to buff my damage over time in red line anymore, just found there were other things I would rather spend my points on. For blue line rotation is far more important then mastery, so once you have that down pact you won't even miss the extra mastery. Add upgraded days directly. So while I have taken this into account I have also mentioned a more sturdy option just in case a different strategy is used. As a DPS, this will trigger infrequently if you do not have aggro, but is still a consideration if you are in situations where you may evade attacks as it will provide a strong damage boost. A small, poorly scaled boost to a single gambit (Impressive Flourish), although, it does boost useful stats. Class Guides . Think of a rotation as more of a guideline rather then something that is set in stone. Edit: Please note that I have made a few adjustments to what is required included a minimum dps goal to reach regardless if you run blue or red.

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