lgbt programs in schools

Research has found that school-based programs that address sexual/gender identity development, connect youth to their cultural community, and dispel prejudice and discrimination are likely to reduce bullying and harassment directed toward LGBT students.21 Students report feeling safer at school when they know how to identify and access information and resources about LGBT issues.22 Also, recent analyses of student survey data in California found that LGBT students reported feeling safer in schools where LGBT issues were included in the curriculum.23. These questions generate data that enable those working with youth to better understand the health and safety risks among sexual minority youth1; specifically data were collected about gay, lesbian, and bisexual (LGB) youth. 85 percent of them reported frequently or often hearing “gay” used in a negative way, and 57 percent heard homophobic remarks from teachers or other school staff; 82 percent of responding students had been verbally harassed because of their sexual orientation in the past year, and almost 64 percent felt unsafe because of their sexual orientation; 38 percent were physically harassed because of their sexual orientation; and. is the U.S. government website that helps you create, maintain, and strengthen effective youth programs. Included are youth facts, funding information, and tools to help you assess community assets, generate maps of local and federal resources, search for evidence-based youth programs, and keep up-to-date on the latest, youth-related news. This website, maintained by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services and the U.S. Department of Education, provides information related to bullying of LGBT youth along with resources and tips to create supportive environments for LGBT people. Research has found that LGBT youth are more likely to experience stress and fear in school than are non-LGBT youth. They also work to cover a variety of subjects and issues, from public policy to teacher training to supporting students and educators around the country. These laws, also known as "no pro homo" laws, prohibit schools from teaching lesbian, gay or bisexual people or topics in a positive light in health or sexual education classes. How Are the Lives of LGBTQ Youth Improved by Gay-Straight Alliances? The guidance was developed in partnership with the statewide School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) and other stakeholders to ensure safe and supportive environments for all youth in schools. * Variations of this acronym are used throughout the Web page to reflect relevant populations. CDC twenty four seven. Many saw this as a foretaste of what Premier Dalton McGuinty’s newly proposed anti-bullying legislation, Bill 13, would bring into the schools. Through peer support, leadership development, and training, GSA Network supports young people in starting, strengthening, and sustaining GSAs and builds the capacity of GSAs to: (1) create safe environments in schools for students to support each other and learn about homophobia and other oppressions; (2) educate school communities about homophobia, gender identity, and sexual orientation issues; and (3) fight discrimination, harassment, and violence in schools. LGBTQ Creating LGBTQ Inclusive Schools Articles, Publications, and Reports. CDC provides funding and support, through a 5-year cooperative agreement for the Young Men Who Have Sex with Men (YMSM) Project, to three local education agencies and a national non-profit organization. However, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ)* youth experience elevated risk and associated negative health and mental health outcomes. Starting next school year, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender history will be part of the curriculum in Illinois public schools. Funded agencies are required to report to CDC performance and process measures reflective of their specific work in addressing the needs of sexual minority youth. Podcast: Teen Pregnancy Prevention for LGBTQ Youth, Voices from the Field: LGBT-Friendly Teen Pregnancy Prevention, Events Celebrating LGBT Identity, Expression, & Well-Being. Initial evaluation activities centered on gaining a better understanding of the experiences of these adolescents, particularly related to sexual health services. Click on a school name in the list below to view its 2018 LGBTQ Survey responses. Immigration Equality: national organization fighting for equality under U.S. immigration law for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and HIV-positive individuals. Qualitative feedback from training participants suggests that the security officers found the training meaningful and impactful. Welcoming Schools Project, Human Rights Campaign Foundation Sex-education programs that encourage prejudice against LGBT students in schools contribute to a … These data inform changes to prevention priorities. Contact. 18 percent were physically assaulted because of their sexual orientation. Follow-up data will also be collected. CDC funds education and health agencies in states, territories, and large urban school districts to conduct the Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Many studies consider lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth, but do not include transgender and questioning youth. The report documents the higher rates at which LGB students reported experiencing many health risks, substantially higher levels of physical and sexual violence, and bullying than other students. The campus LGBT Center is the force behind some amazing student-led projects. Linking to a non-federal website does not constitute an endorsement by CDC or any of its employees of the sponsors or the information and products presented on the website. Welcoming Schools is an LGBT-inclusive approach to addressing family diversity, gender stereotyping and bullying and name-calling in K-5 learning environments. Work with families and students to identify and connect them with affirming supports and resources in the community. Forty-five young men at priority schools completed the Young Men’s Health Group during these two years. The project offers professional development tools, lessons aligned with the Common Core State Standards, and many additional resources for elementary schools. Her high school is one of a growing number of schools around the country offering specialized clubs and programs for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth. If you have questions or need support regarding LGBTQ identity, contact Saving Lives, Protecting People, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health. As a pilot program for New Jersey’s LGBT school curriculum goes into effect, parental rights activists work to prevent its full implementation in September. You will be subject to the destination website's privacy policy when you follow the link. The following sections provide additional information on these strategies. By Josh Moody , Reporter Aug. 16, 2019 By Josh Moody , Reporter Aug. 16, 2019, at 3:09 p.m. The campus LGBT Center is the force behind some amazing student-led projects. One OSHW or partner organization staff member attended each session to act as a content expert and ensure that sessions were accurate and culturally competent. Explore this collection of resources to learn ways to enhance relationships with parents who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT).Directors, teachers, providers, and parents will find information and strategies to create an early childhood setting that is welcoming and inclusive, build staff professionalism, and engage all families in your program. The guidance document was approved by the Board of Education and disseminated to all public school districts and charter schools statewide. 1 Human Rights Campaign, 2012a; Hunter & Schaecher, 1987; Poirier, 2012; Reis & Saewyc, 1999; Reis, 1999; U.S. Government Accountability Office, 20122 Kosciw, Greytak, Bartkiewicz, Boesen, & Palmer, 20123 These students do not necessarily represent all LGBT youth because the data are based on convenience samples (i.e., respondents who are not randomly selected, which generally would increase the generalizability of the results). The Center also integrates trans topics, issues and speaker engagements into its programming throughout the year. Schools can also provide age-appropriate, LGBT-affirming information and resources for students. Democratic Governor J. Created by the NASP Committee on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Issues, this website provides various resources related to LGBT and questioning students. Throughout the training, the director discussed key findings, resources, and evidence-based family intervention strategies that had been developed to help ethnically and religiously diverse families support LGBT youth, reduce health risks, and promote student well-being in the context of families, cultures, and faith communities. Professional development can focus on ways to discuss LGBT-related topics in an age-appropriate way during lessons to create safe, supportive school environments. This program supports students currently earning certificates or degrees in child development, education, criminal justice, human services, all … Researchers and health education experts alike have highlighted how sexuality education in U.S. schools often stigmatizes LGBT people and issues or excludes them altogether. You Have the Right To Form Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) or Gender & Sexuality Alliances These organizations are student-led groups that provide a safe, supportive environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning youth and their allies. African American/black: Referred to as black in this Web page content. In order to justify the need for LGBT curricula, clubs, and programs to be included in the classroom, GLSEN often cites the National School Climate Survey, which they conduct every two years. This guide, written by members of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Workgroup to Address the Needs of Children and Youth Who Are LGBTQI2-S and Their Families, provides information for service providers, educators, allies, and community members who seek to support the health and well-being of children and youth who are LGBT, questioning, intersex, or two-spirit (LGBTQI2-S) and their families. He specifically states that GSAs are protected under the 1984 Equal Access Act, which protects student-initiated groups. Schools In Transition: A Guide for Supporting Transgender Students in K-12 Schools is a first-of-its-kind resource providing a blueprint for safe, supportive and inclusive school environments for transgender youth. Others may experience unwelcoming, unsafe, and unsupportive conditions in schools. Rather than put educators in the position of finding materials to answer student questions, the district led the work to provide standards-based, age-appropriate materials . These organizations are student-led groups that provide a safe, supportive environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning youth and their allies. Sexual Identity, Sex of Sexual Contacts, and Health-related Behaviors Among Students in Grades 9-12—United States and Selected Sites, 2015. It is important that educators, counselors, and school administrators have access to resources and support to create a safe, healthy learning environment for all students. Program’s History: In 2013, the Los Angeles LGBT Center, in partnership with Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), introduced the OUT for Safe Schools ® Campaign to encourage school staff to publicly identify as supportive LGBTQ+ allies in their school communities. In partnership with the American Psychological Association, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and a collaborating community-based organization, the Gay Straight Alliance for Safe Schools, hosted a training in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for school professionals. Some LGBT youth experience supportive, welcoming school environments where they are physically and emotionally safe and their LGBT identity is respected, or even embraced. Research on LGBT youth shows that if they experience victimization, they are more likely to. Safe Places: Creating Welcoming and Inclusive Environments for Traumatized LGBTQ Youth, The Equal Access to Housing Rule and Youth, Runaway and Homeless Youth Training and Technical Assistance Centers, Top Health Issues for LGBT Population Information and Resource Kit. Share with Youth: LGBT Resources — Learn More, Get Involved, and Be Proud of Who You Are! Starting in 2015, the national YRBS questionnaire and the standard YRBS questionnaire (the starting point for the state, territorial, and large urban school district questionnaires) included questions about sexual identity and gender of sexual contacts. The New York City Department of Education supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning (LGBTQ) students, families, and staff across the five boroughs through a variety of policies and programs. If your public school permits other student clubs, then it should allow you to form and publicize a GSA. A train-the-trainer model was used; six Safety Managers led the PD session after completing a two-hour training. To reach more than 1,300 security officers, the PD session was offered through 10 sessions in just one day. 2 Among Millenials surveyed in 2015, only 12 percent said their sex education classes covered same-sex relationships. The goal of GSAs is to empower these students to be leaders and advocates in the fight for equal rights, school safety and healthy communities. The getR.E.A.L name was crafted as a challenge to public systems working with children. Classroom conversations have already been happening organically as most of our schools have students who identify as transgender or are gender non-conforming. During 2015 and 2016, groups were held at eight different schools. 3 A staggering 41 percent of transgender people in the United States have attempted to commit suicide, according to a new survey. Includes model policy. Public schools in the US that received funding are able to implement more measures to support LGBT students. Societal factors such as bullying, violence, and discrimination heighten health risks for anyone. However, the data provide important information on the experiences of responding LGBT youth and the challenges they experience in schools.4 Greytak, Kosciw, & Diaz, 20095 Grant, Mottet, & Tanis, 20116 Kim, 2009; Kosciw et al., 20127 Institute of Medicine, 2011; Ryan, Russell, Huebner, Diaz, & Sanchez, 20108 O’Shaughnessy, Russell, Heck, Calhoun, & Laub, 2004; Safe Schools Coalition, 2005, n.d.9 Espelage, 2011; Russell, 2010; Poirier, 201210 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011a; Espelage, 2011; Russell & McGuire, 200811 Espelage 2011; Goodenow, Szalacha, & Westheimer, 200612 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011a13 Espelage, 2011; O’Shaughnessy et al., 200414 Espelage, 2011; Greytak & Kosciw, 201015 Poirier et al., 2008; Poirier, 201216 National Education Association, 200617 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011a18 Meyer, 2010; Munoz-Plaza, Quinn, & Rounds, 2002; Poirier, 2012; Valenti, 201019 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011; Duncan, 201120 Lee, 2002; Macgillivray, 2007; Toomey, Ryan, Diaz, & Russell, 201121 Espelage & Horne, 200822 O’Shaughnessy et al., 200423 Russell, Kostroski, McGuire, Laub, & Manke, 2006, "Change starts with one person and can grow really fast." Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network To receive email updates about this page, enter your email address: Youth Risk Behavior (YRBS) - Data Collection Analysis, Young Men Who Have Sex with Men (YMSM) Project, Collaboration with National Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Key Policy Letters from the Education Secretary and Deputy Secretary New Jersey and Colorado’s laws, requiring schools to teach LGBT history, were both passed this year. Research: Does Sexual Orientation Affect Teen Pregnancy Risk? Key outcomes of interest include HIV and STD testing among YMSM, numbers of referrals to testing and related services from school staff, and changes in the school environment for sexual minority youth. National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) - Tristan, AccessibilityPrivacy PolicyViewers and Players. CDC provides funding and technical assistance to partners in 18 states, the District of Columbia, and 17 large urban school districts to help implement effective policies and practices to reduce sexual risk behaviors among youth. Hostile school environments hurt LGBT youth. getR.E.A.L In June, The 74 wrote that “the tide is turning” when it comes to LGBT … Engage. Lambda Legal: Committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of LGBT people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work. These groups are co-facilitated by one staff member from a community-based organization (CBO) and one staff member from the school’s Wellness Center. CDC is not responsible for Section 508 compliance (accessibility) on other federal or private website. The project offers professional development tools, lessons aligned with the Common Core State Standards, and many additional resources for elementary schools. Recognizing these serious health risks, CDC works with national, state, and local partners to address the health, education, and safety needs of LGBTQ youth. National Mentoring Programs (Funding Opportunity). The acronym is directed at all these stakeholders—and many others—as a means of meeting the initiative’s primary goal to improve the healthy sexual and identity development of all children and youth in child welfare systems. Over 40 GLSEN chapters exist around the country. These include support strategies and programs such as GSAs. These organizations are funded to conduct innovative, school-centered activities to prevent HIV among black and Latino adolescent sexual minority males (ages 13-19), a group at disproportionately high risk for HIV. The Safe Harbor Project Mission: is a collaboration between the Department of Children and Families (DCF) and True Colors, Inc. Some LGBT youth are more likely than their heterosexual peers to experience bullying or other aggression in school. Those who identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, or who have sexual contact with persons of the same or both sexes. Click here to share. Ithaca College (Ithaca, N.Y.) Fierce Feature: As part of its LGBT Awareness Month in March, Ithaca's … HOW CAN TEACHERS HELP SUPPORT GSAS? The project provided HIV prevention capacity-building assistance services to help increase the capacity of state and local K-12 education agencies to deliver effective school-based HIV prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth, particularly young men of color who are attracted to men. This first stage of the evaluation was designed to obtain information that would guide specific program work in these services. You can access the guide with the NASP and NASW endorsements through the guide link above. These programs focus increasingly on LGBT youth as part of their HIV, STD, and pregnancy prevention activities. Catholic and religious private schools on the other hand, which do not receive funding from the government have less support measures in place for their students. Young Men Who Have Sex with Men (YMSM) Project, Promoting Adolescent Health Through School-Based HIV/STD Prevention and School-Based Surveillance, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Existence of genders & sexualities alliance networks (GSAs) or similar student organizations in schools, Identification of safe spaces for LGBT students, Provision of health and mental health services to LGBT students, Professional development and training for school staff about the needs of LGBT students, Inclusion of LGBT-related topics in sex education curricula, Classroom teaching about sexual orientation, Referrals to health and mental health service providers experienced in serving LGBT students, Providing training for district and school staff to ensure that health curricula are inclusive of and relevant to LGBT students, Supporting schools in establishing GSAs and safe and supportive environments for LGBT youth, Linking schools to community organizations that provide sexual health services for LGBT youth, Developing resources to help school staff understand the special concerns and needs of LGBT youth, Collecting data on risk behaviors among LGB youth as part of the, Increasing the number who are tested and treated for HIV and other STDs, Implement or expand HIV and other STD testing and treatment in schools and school-based health centers, Increase collaboration in order to support referrals to HIV and other STD testing, treatment, and evidence-based educational interventions, Develop systems in schools to support student referrals to HIV and other STD testing and treatment, Assess state and district education policies and their implementation related to HIV and other STD testing, treatment, and prevention, Promote safe school and school-based health center environments, Provide evidence-based education interventions tailored for black and Latino YMSM, Implement social marketing that promotes the core strategies. So is the process of coming out as being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning. Identifying and Serving LGBTQ Youth: Case Studies of Runaway and Homeless Youth Program Grantees, Key Policy Letters from the Education Secretary and Deputy Secretary, Learning from the Field: Listening Tour of Programs Serving Youth who are LGBTQI2-S and Experiencing Homelessness, Meeting the Needs of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Youth, Parents’ Influence on the Health of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Teens: What Parents and Families Should Know, Primary Sources: Learning How Service Providers and Policy Makers Can Help LGBTQ Homeless Youth, Q&A: Meeting the Needs of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Youth, Report: Health-Related Behaviors among Students, Sexual Risk Behavior Differences Among Sexual Minority High School Students — United States, 2015 and 2017, The Economic Well-Being of LGB Youth Transitioning Out of Foster Care, 5 Online Resources to Help Domestic Violence Programs Offer Inclusive Services to LGBTQ People, Brief: the Needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ) Youth in Child Welfare Settings, Ending Housing Discrimination against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Individuals and Families, LGBT Populations: A Snapshot of the Knowledge Base and Research Needs, Report: Recommendations of the LGBT Subcommittee: Advancing the Reform Process for LGBQ/GNCT Youth in the Juvenile Justice System, Report: Surviving the Streets of New York: Experiences of LGBTQ Youth, YMSM, and YWSW Engaged in Survival Sex. Hadon Heights is one of 12 N.J. districts testing a pilot curriculum for teaching the historical contributions of the disabled and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot attest to the accuracy of a non-federal website. The following are examples: As part of the San Francisco Unified School District’s outreach to reduce HIV transmission among black and Latino adolescent sexual minority males (ASMM), the district’s priority high schools organize and host Young Men’s Health Groups. Reduce HIV and other STDs among black and Latino young men who have sex with men (YMSM) through school and community-based partnerships by: CDC is supporting evaluation of this 5-year project designed to reduce HIV and other STDs among African American/black2 and Hispanic/Latino3 young men who have sex with men (YMSM), 13-19 years of age. Inclusion of LGBT Role Models and Resources on Gender and Sexual Identity in Schools, Schools can include LGBT role models and LGBT history as part of their lessons and instruction. The LGBT Education Program prepares students pursuing careers in a variety of fields that serve LGBTQ populations. It is a place where LGBTQ+, questioning, and ally students can gather to foster learning and affirm their sense of identity, community, and collaboration. In 2011, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan issued this letter to public school districts about LGBT bullying. The Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) Network is a youth leadership organization that connects school-based GSAs to each other and community resources. Welcoming Schools is an LGBT-inclusive approach to addressing family diversity, gender stereotyping and bullying and name-calling in K-5 learning environments. Ensure that LGBT youth who need behavioral health services are connected with culturally competent, community-based providers who have experience offering these services to LGBT youth. 30.3% of LGBT students missed at least one entire day of school … Forty-three school professionals participated in the all-day training. Schools cSchools can help support LGBT youth by encouraging respect for all students and developing and implementing nondiscrimination and anti-bullying policies that include actual or perceived sexual orientation as well as gender identity and expression.10 Research has found that states with these policies or laws have lower rates of anti-gay remarks in schools, fewer suicide attempts, and lower levels of harassment and assault based on actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender expression compared with states without these policies or laws.11. Chapters work closely with the network’s national staff to implement programs and to keep national staff informed of local events. It also provides lessons, implications, and a process for parents, caregivers, and all system-involved youth. The GLSEN 2013 National School Climate Survey found that fewer than five percent of LGBT students had health classes that included positive representations of LGBT-related topics. Gay-Straight Alliances are clubs created by LGBTQ students and their allies in high schools and middle schools across the nation. The PD session aimed to build capacity for officers to create safe and supportive environments for LGBTQ students. The Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education developed and disseminated a guidance document, Guidance for Rhode Island Schools on Transgender and Gender Nonconforming StudentsCdc-pdfExternal. DMHAS supports people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning (LGBTQ+) and their allies by creating safe environments in mental health and substance use disorder facilities to support each other.. Recovery is a challenging process. Training participants learned strategies to engage families with LGBT students, role-played how to have empathetic conversations with families, discussed ideas about how to increase parent and family engagement within schools, and developed action steps about how they would apply the training in school activities, resources, and services when they returned to their school communities. The training, Promoting Family Support to Prevent Risk and Build Healthy Futures for LGBT Students, was facilitated by the director of the Family Acceptance Project at San Francisco State University. In 2016, state and local education agencies funded by CDC reported specific activities to address LGBTQ youth. These programs focus increasingly on LGBT youth as part of their HIV, STD, and pregnancy prevention activities.

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