40k chaos daemons 9th edition

Lists with multiple factions (SOUP) will be counted for each separate faction included in each army list. If you always wanted to command an army entirely composed of bizarre and horrifying monstrosities (and who didn't? Next Newer Post Previous Older Post. It’s a powerful tool unlike anything else in our arsenal and while it went up 20 points the addition of Blast does enough to offset the increase that it’s worth looking at. Daemons are sentient embodiments of Chaos and collectively the greatest servants of the Chaos Gods and of Chaos itself as a universal force. This has been a dilemma for a while but what may tip it over now is that Cultists are much more vulnerable to blast weapons. You can cast it into melee while you tie them up with Plaguebearers and Horrors but keep in mind that you have to cast it on the next enemy unit. They have some pretty slick models and a lot of options in the army, however, many people have swarmed to Daemons of Chaos because Credits: That Gobbo. This gives you 90 shots at S4 18" range, re-rolling 1s to hit and to wound with +1 to wound from flickering flames (Optional: Boon of change to have a chance of being S5 on the horrors or a Mutalith Vortex Beast can give you a further +1S). Really CP intensive, if you want to do it right (but not many stratagems to spend it on unless youre running mixed daemons detachments) if you are running mono-god detachments you will likely only have 5-6 useful stratagems in the whole book! This isn’t good, but it’s also not the end of the world either – unlike Winged Daemon Princes, Lords Discordant are an amazing unit and were arguably undercosted. The Kytan Ravager got updated rules text allowing it to walk over non-vehicle, non-monster enemy units when making a normal move, advancing, falling back, or charging, and it can now fire at enemy units it’s locked in combat with (before it could fire out but only if it was only surrounded by INFANTRY), and at only a 20-point increase, that’s a decent win for a unit that was already fairly solid. Book of the Astronomican 3. It was already an underrated unit, able to deliver 12 models and stick around as a threat, and that value has only increased now that the game favors being able to hold objectives – something its T8 chassis helps support. Slaanesh is the weakest Chaos god? So how do the Alpha Legion fare in 9th? Note: Games Workshop has released an FAQ restricting stratagems that target daemons to targeting units with the Daemons faction keyword. Not a lot of cheap anti-horde capabilities (besides Slaanesh) compared to enemy horde point costs. Fewer detachments also translates to fewer opportunities to use Specialist Detachments in situations where they’re still allowed. This results in a unit that hits of 3s, wounds elite models like Russes on 4s and does an average of 3.67 Damage per wound with the Banner (2.33 Damage without). 20-30 Pink horrors supported by a daemon prince with the Demonspark warlord trait and a tzeentch herald. He has better summoning odds, via the Incursion power, essentially 2 summoning rolls per turn or summoning after moving, and access to the Dark Pact Stratagem, which is fully compatible with Incursion. Probably not. You get a lot of psykers with Horror, Heralds and Greater Daemons. With the Munitorum Field Manual out in the wild and the Faction FAQs released, now’s a good time to start taking a look at what’s changed for all of our favourite armies.Today, Robert “TheChirurgeon” Jones is talking about Chaos Space Marines. If you want to deep strike the Terminators, that’s an option too and the Terminator Lord’s Violent Urgency trait will give you the best chance to close the gap on a post-teleport charge (about 66% with your icon re-roll), though it’s not so large a chance that I’d bank the game on it. We have a very exciting match coming your way this Friday, August 21st, at 6pm EST! Pavane of Slaanesh is just Tzeentch stratagem, but a lot better and doesn't require our CP. Quite spectacular, but requires some brain power and some luck. That kind of doesn’t matter however, because…. The Tabletop Titans crew brings us more play-tester insights into how to handle Chaos Daemons in 9th ed 40k. The Hades Autocannon is also now a more reasonable option given that you don’t suffer a penalty for moving and shooting but I’d still stick to the baleflamer. Combine the Locus of Virulence (+1 damage if your wound roll is 6+), the Plague Banner (one-time pop to make plagueswords do 2 damage for one turn), the Virulent Blessing power (+1 to wound rolls, and if you roll 7+ to wound, you do double damage), and the Scrivener (Plaguebearers get +1 to hit, and a hit roll of 7+ lets them make an extra attack). If you just want pure Deredeos, the Malefic Lord is cheap enough to let you take 3 of them, although that's also enough for 5 Basilisks. Neither unit is particularly great and worth banking on as the backbone of your army, so the real question for most armies will be: 10 Cultists at 60 points or 5 Chaos Space Marines at 70 points? The best close combat characters in the entire game will need 5s to hit him. Delightful Agonies is... eh, it's the worst one, it had its WC and FNP numbers swapped around for literally no reason so its a neutered version of the DH power with the same name. They also specialize in the Psychic phase, with many casting attempts, Dispells, and abilities to get them. Doable with command rerolls (More than 9 inchs away, within 1 inch to charge normaly 9, 8 with the instrument thanks to +1 to charge rolls). Featured Post. Vehicle Manual 8. Lists with multiple factions (SOUP) will be counted for each separate faction included in each army list. While a good number of Chaos Space Marine units are perfectly capable of teleporting onto the battlefield, there were a few stragglers who lacked the ability and for them Strategic Reserves can be a real asset. The Apostle comes in with Illusory Supplication to give the Plague Marines a 5+ invulnerable save, while the Sorcerer can boost their accuracy with Prescience and help push them up the board and the Foul Blightspawn shoots planes out of the sky and uses his Loathsome Stench aura to make sure charging units fight last. Thanks to a wonderful update in Faith & Fury, plus some intriguing and unexpected rules in War of the Spider, Chaos Space Marines no longer really feel like a single faction to discuss but rather 8 or 9, and that’s before you start talking about souping them with Thousand Sons, Death Guard, and Chaos Daemons. Up until Chapter Approved these things were a steal at 75 points; WS 4+, AP -1 and d3 damage made them a little pillowfisted in terms of dealing damage but free Daemon of Tzeentch plus the constant wound regeneration shenanigans made them worth far more than the sum of their parts. if Warlord is Nurgle Daemon, can give the following to a Exalted Great Unclean one. So do Abaddon and his Black Legion have a place in a 9th edition list? Arfifact of Decay You could also consider swapping the Lords of Skulls for Kytan Ravagers; this will save you about 100 points and you’ll trade off one gun on each of the models and 6 wounds for increased mobility and the ability to step over enemy units and a degrading profile that’s worse. If you want to spend less CP, consider adding some token CSM support so you can access the Termite Drill, which RAW can carry the Bloodletters and let them deepstrike with it. The benefit this power has over other leadership bombs is that it doesn't rely on the enemy failing a morale test for it to be effective. Next on our list of stops are the roided-up madmen of the Chaos legions: The World Eaters. Note that this is not a pure Daemons list, but most of the models/units in it are - you'll need the Chaos Index, the CSM Codex, and the Imperial Armour Chaos Index to field it, and, if you want to fully explore your options, the Imperial Armour Astra Militarum Index. Too bad for you... Summonings sucks now? Choose warptime as your power. The Keeper received a gorgeous plastic model, at long last! After that, the question is which buffs you’re going to want from your remaining models. This tactic is possibly the killiest in the game. Armies whose morale loses are capped at one (like Dark Angels) or normally have such low model counts thay they never worry about morale (like Custodes) are just as susceptible to Slaaneshi mind-fuckery as everyone else. This makes “fight first” abilities like the Emperor’s Children legion trait much more useful, since fighting with chargers now matters significantly more, though this is mitigated somewhat by the fact that multiple combats will be much more rare. The larger squad will want to stay with the Dark Apostle to use his leadership, and in a pinch you can use Dour Duty to help keep them alive. There’s a lot to unpack in the Heavy Support slot. Just make sure it doesn't hit your own units in the process though. It costs you 2-3 Command Points to pull this off with one unit depending on the size of it so be sure to bring a few Battalions. So, basically a flamer. The only other potential winner from a points standpoint in the codex heavy support choices is the Forgefiend, who went up only 5 points with a 5-point increase on Hades Autocannons and no increase on Ectoplasma cannons. Same idea as before, where Abaddon uses his 12″ morale aura to make the 90 cultists a complete slog to remove, while the Dark Apostle’s Illusory Supplication makes them more resilient and Delightful Agonies can make them even tougher and ensure that taking 30 cultists off the table in one turn (and preventing Tide of Traitors being used to bring one back) is much less likely. My Account. Slaves to Darkness 9. Build your army on the battlefield with summoning (but now in a very fucking crappy limited fashion), Possible charge after (now fucked up) summoning. Some of the usual suspects are still good here, such as Heralds of Nurgle and Slaanesh. 1. Compendium 5. Even your Horrors get a 1/3 Chance to cast it BUT remember that only Pink Horrors can cast it Brimstone Horrors are removed as casualties when chosen as the casting model, so you want a Blue or Pink Horror in the mix. 5++ is something but not much and you have got a lot of T3 units... (unless you're running a lot of Nurgle). Clad in self-repairing bodies of living metal and wielding weapons that harness the … The GT mission pack has finally released today and we’ll still need to see how they change things up, but just what we know and what we’ve seen in the Eternal War missions shape play in 9th significantly. Rejoice! Tyranids in particular can go fuck themselves. Not every legion is going to have something super competitive to play with, especially if you’re rolling monofaction, but there’s probably at least a pretty good build for each legion that you can work with. This is a double-edged sword however, as it also means they’ll be easily blocked-off by enemy units they can’t walk over, and can get bogged down by Difficult Ground. Iron Warriors Battalion Detachment (0 CP, 1,490 points), HQ: Lord Discordant on Helstalker w/Autocannon, Mark of Slaanesh (195) HQ: Lord Discordant on Helstalker w/Autocannon, Mark of Slaanesh (195) HQ: Winged Daemon Prince w/Malefic Talons, Mark of Slaanesh (200), Warlord: Daemonsmith, Relic: Fleshmetal Exoskeleton, Power: Warptime, Troops: Cultists x10 w/MoS, Autogun (60) Troops: Cultists x10 w/MoS, Autogun (60) Troops: Cultists x10 w/MoS, Autogun (60), HS: Defiler w/Defiler Scourge, Reaper Autocannon, MoS (140) HS: Defiler w/Defiler Scourge, Reaper Autocannon, MoS (140) HS: Defiler w/Defiler Scourge, Reaper Autocannon, MoS (140), FLY: Heldrake w/Baleflamer (150) FLY: Heldrake w/Baleflamer (150), Iron Warriors Patrol Detachment (-2 CP, 510 points), HQ: Sorcerer w/Force Stave (90), Mark of Slaanesh, Powers: Prescience, Delightful Agonies HQ: Master of Possession (80), Mark of Tzeentch, Powers: Cursed Earth, Infernal Power, HS: Maulerfiend w/Lasher Tendrils, MoS (140) HS: Maulerfiend w/Lasher Tendrils, MoS (140). In the psychic phase cast warptime to move your prince near the front of the U formation , the front models will screen your 8 wound character from enemy fire. Havocs are another interesting case. On the Cultist side, you can argue that they’ve improved a bit thanks to morale changes making a max squad breaking less likely but the blast weapon changes hurt them. Belakor as an unaligned daemon can serve as a summoning source too after he will have reached melee and won't move a lot. It's finally here! It also ensures that you can summon Epidemius to boost your Possessed in ways similar to the buffs you’d get from Daemonkin Ritualists. So let’s build a degenerate list around that. Let's get this bad boy out of the way: 20-30 Bloodletters with the Banner of Blood tearing out of the warp 9 inches away from your opponent's line and charging 3D6 (don't forget the nearby character to re-roll that charge). Daemons can also add a psychic punch, and their best use in 9th edition right now will be supporting Chaos Marines on the table. Daemon these are the units you can put in your Detachments. This page was last edited on 15 January 2021, at 11:27. Instead the biggest change came from the GT missions pack, which we outlined above: Specialist Detachments are no longer permitted in tournament play, which hurts several successful builds and hits Chaos Space Marines particularly hard. Your army is completely compatible with Age of Sigmar and The Horus Heresy. The only thing this doesn't help against is mortal wounds, but them's the breaks! This tactic is ideal for bigger matches and for those that prefer wipe out strategies over securing objectives. They’ve gone up 3 points per model, which is not good, but several weapon options got cheaper for Infantry, most notably the missile launcher (-5) and lascannon (-10), while the autocannon, heavy bolter, and reaper chaincannon stayed the same cost. I personally believe that melee combat has gotten worse overall in 9th, as the ability to trap units has been significantly reduced, charges have become more difficult thanks to the CP re-roll change, multi-charging has become much more difficult, and vehicles are able to shoot in combat, preventing us from “turning off” vehicles by touching them in combat. They're damned useful, and it means that he'll constantly enjoy a 2+ cover save. improve casting variant is preferred but don't forget that any Greater daemon can easily wipe the floor with a guardsman squad. Still need ways to circumvent Armour saves but can quickly kill monsters. The delayed new Death Guard codex (9th edition’s first rulebook released for a Chaos army) went up for pre-order on January 16 and was released on January 23. Sadly, no warptime or Prescience. Between the changes to combat, the addition of Blast weapons, and the removal of Specialist Detachments, there’s a substantially smaller motivation to take large Possessed blobs now, who kind of operate like less dependable Intercessors for Chaos Space Marines, though there may be a different role we can consider for them. Daemonic Loci were an attempt made by GeeDubbs to incentivize daemon players to lean more toward mono-god armies despite the complete and total lack of diversity in units (unless you play Nurgle, apparently). The Nurglings played well in my test game, but the list may be better with fewer of them and a Dark Apostle or Chaos Lord for additional support instead of one unit of Nurglings. The big downside of course is that putting three Lords of Skulls or three Kytans into a Super-Heavy Detachment is going to cost you 6 whopping CP. While I don’t think these are bad changes necessarily, they’re certainly changes that do not benefit Chaos Space Marines, for whom melee combat is one of the army’s strongest assets. 1st Edition 2. And if your opponent doesn't seem concerned about a Daemon horde advancing under the cover of an Earthshaker barrage, check their pulse because they're likely dead. Aside from the synergies there CSM also have a lot of the heavy shooting Daemons don't have, with Havocs providing cheap fire support, Predators for dealing with infantry and tanks depending on loadout, Fiends having either big scary guns or big meaty claws to spook heavy infantry and armor, Obliterators for a crippling mass of fire from out of nowhere, and lastly Defilers for being better than Soul Grinders in every conceivable way. For reference, a mighty Carnifex has a base leadership of. combo with Locus of Virulence and Virulent Blessing for a Plaguebearer to deal 6 damage on unmodified 6s to wound. Among all the builds, ironically the one the points changes have left most intact is the triple Lord of skulls Suild, which is still plenty viable. Great against expensive units like Terminators, Marines and other 1-2 wound models. Not a big boost but now they can do something before they charge. It’s worth considering more in armies, especially if you were already thinking of bringing a Rhino. The Great Rift, also known as the Cicatrix Maledictum in High Gothic, is a tear in reality and a raging, galaxy-wide series of Warp Storms that has essentially rent the territory of the Imperium of Man in half after ca. HQ: Lord Discordant on Helstalker w/Autocannon, Mark of Slaanesh (195) HQ: Sorcerer w/Force Stave, Mark of Nurgle (90), Powers: Warptime, Prescience, WARLORD: Warp Lord, Relic: Hydra’s Wail HQ: Dark Apostle + 2 Dark Disciples w/Mark of Slaanesh (90), Prayer: Illusory Supplication, Troops Cultists x10 w/Autogun, Mark of Nurgle (60) Troops Cultists x10 w/Autogun, Mark of Nurgle (60) Troops Cultists x10 w/Autogun, Mark of Nurgle (60), EL: Plague Marines x10 w/Bolter, Plague knife, 1x Blight launcher (190) EL: Plague Marines x10 w/Bolter, Plague knife, 1x Blight launcher (190) EL: Plague Marines x10 w/Bolter, Plague knife, 1x Blight launcher (190), Death Guard Spearhead Detachment (-4 CP) Plague Company: The Poxmongers, HQ: Winged DP Nurgle w/Sword (195), Power: Miasma of Pestilence, Extra Relic: The Epidemicyst Blade (-1 CP), EL: Foul Blightspawn w/Plague sprayer (85) EL: Foul Blightspawn w/Plague sprayer (85), HS: Plagueburst Crawler w/ 2x Plaguespitters (170) HS: Plagueburst Crawler w/ 2x Plaguespitters (170) HS: Plagueburst Crawler w/ 2x Plaguespitters (170). Got a question about how something in your army works?

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