how much dna do humans share with guinea pigs

Pfizer/BioNTech’s is more complicated because it covers all three phases of trials, and by the time it was updated, there were still two BioNTech vaccine candidated being tested, they started with three. Guinea pigs need a go-to place where they feel safe. More testing and understanding is needed. Nothing about RNA treatment development / patent schema is Jonas Salk-ian, or intended as altruisitic – quite the opposite, it has been marked from the absolute onset by massive internal strategic conflict for patent credit, and financial control, and without a single approved treatment, the patent controllers are already Billionaires. I always call my guinea pigs by their name, so they eventually recognize their name. I’m afraid that makes me root for failure. Thus, it facilitates access to immune cells, including macrophages, B cells, and monocytes 7,8. Corona-deniers like you should be put in internment camps, until you can get your forced vaccination. As for your concerns about the brain, I have no knowledge of how inflammation there is thought or known to happen and I wonder how we might know, it’s like how testing of testes was done by one group in the PRC with cadavers, most people aren’t eager to get their junk or brains cut in half for SCIENCE!!! In the near term, the initial hurdle is getting buy-in and ensuring govt coercion to compel adoption, but in the long term, once the few adverse voices are cowed and the mass dispersal completed, its a short traverse to the point at which no one will be able to buy, sell, work, travel or conduct business without submitting to these mandatory genetic ‘treatments’, under the control of financial comptrollers that make Amazon look like Elmer’s Tire Shop. But your complaints, some of which have merit, are about all COVID-19 vaccines that are anywhere near getting some level of approval except for Sinovac’s CoronaVac, an inactivated whole virus one. They will feel like they can’t run and hide easily, which will make them react more to possible threats. Bonding Method Part 1: Make Their Habitat Feel Safe, Bonding Method Part 2: Adjustment Period (two weeks recommended), Associate professor of zoological medicine at LSU School of Veterinary medicine, Javier Nevarez, suggests putting their guinea pig cage in a room that’s, Tip 6: Use Your Other Guinea Pigs as Examples. Yes, gulags are the best way to deal with those who deal in unpleasant debate. Do you have any medical sources for this information? Such a growth rate is not seen throughout the plague and is probably due at least in part to the British mutant. Southern California has reached that point and somewhat beyond, my local area for 150 miles in all directions did for a while in the third wave to a thankfully lessor extent, good treatment only being denied for a day or so vs. days. When are you aware of anyone bring out the 80 below zero multi-use container and lab testing it, before administering it? Rh incompatibility is the best known failure of this barrier, the Rh system is like the ABO blood typing system, and one Rh(D) protein from it is either expressed on red blood cells or not, Rh+ and Rh-. For instance, talk to them gently, then introduce your hand, and then (once you reach later stages), give them treats followed by floor time. Everything born or built here on Earth comprises earthmined skins responding to a constant electromagnetic bathing from great Sol, pulsing and spinning and belching in the center of a knot of many nearby dancers, this knot itself a small fractal reflection of much larger rhythms humming among galaxies, clusters and far-flung voidstars. No one here knows who you or I are. So while it is true that domesticated pet hamsters no longer have the survival worries of their wild cousins, they also don’t necessarily realize this yet from a DNA/evolutionary perspective. If you put your hand in before talking to them, you could scare them and lose some progress you’ve made. Of course, Operation Warp Speed (OWS) and companies like Pfizer which previously refused to do anything with OWS until they got smashed by supply chain problems are paying to make lots of doses before EUAs, if a drug doesn’t pan out in a Phase III trial it’s a small cost compared to the stunts the EU did with vaccine procurement. then there exists a spectrum of mutations waiting in the wings to take over the position of “Dominant Strain”, when the vaccine weeds out both the dominant strain and all mutations susceptible to the vaccine. And Moderna indeed took some time to get their trials going, because January 13th was way too early for a fire to be lit under our ruling trash. Which has always been a possiblity in the cards, given that it’s a novel pathogen. 1: I have a number of issues with the mRNA vaccines, however, insertion into host genomes is not one of them. And as is seen with the British variant, not only may the surviving mutations be resistant or immune to the vaccine, the other characteristics of the virus — communicability and lethality among them — may change as well, perhaps for the worse. AZ/Oxford’s attempt at this isn’t working well, Janssen is in Phase III trials, and Gamaleya in Russia knocked it out of the ballpark with what seems to me the obvious approach around one issue with such vaccines. That part of these cunning plans is always omitted. It is believed by some that this licking behavior has been passed down in the DNA, causing dogs to instinctively do it sometimes. Alongside this, of course, will the steady implementation of even more draconian totalitarianism, all in the name of fighting the common cold. But it is difficult to use and rarely pays. We may be able to stumble upon a very crucial piece of information here. It also means that your guinea pig enjoys your company and feels safe enough around you to sleep. That’s a good point! They need a little more time to know for sure. If the immune system latches onto one conserved epitope, it’s game over for the virus. Here is America. They don’t listen and simply put they don’t care. Otherwise it’s getting the approved mRNA vaccines. Some people say older guinea pigs can’t be tamed, but that’s not true! “Newtube/Darek” video channel has Over 630 videos library. Click here to read about different types of bedding and the best bedding for guinea pigs, like GuineaDad Liner. Including memebers of EU, e.g. Try to evaluate where you are with your guinea pigs, and apply the different methods to help guinea pigs gain trust and display more affection toward you. You can’t be allowed to endanger other people through your irresponsible behaviour. 1000% right. Taking a possible mRNA rabies vaccine, especially after exposure, is a no brainer. This mechanism helped them survive for thousands of years. For over a year there were no “variants”, just “Covid”, now all of a sudden, and coincidentally just after a vaccine comes out, they find out “variants” and “mutations” in many different countries… Do you want to bet that one of those “mutations” will be discovered to be “resistant” to the vaccine or something, justifying further lockdowns and abuse? Not many countries are brave or reckless enough to execute a vast medical experiment on their entire population and put vulnerable people at risk. There are three types of people today: those who believe the lies they are told, those that are telling the lies, and those that understand the power of propaganda. Use of multiple, non-Anonymous handles for commenting on this webzine is strongly discouraged, and your secret (real or fictitious) email allows you to authenticate your commenter-identity, preventing others from assuming it, accidentally or otherwise. A shortcut of course, but not in the “this vaccine is untested!! Discovering insulin could have made Banting very rich, but he decided to give the patent away for free. Also, guinea pigs usually tend to be alert right when they wake up in case there are predators around. Do not take it. No mRNA vaccine has ever made it to market, but some have tried. Or inject viral mRNA into Esherihia coli e.g., to make them produce a stabilized spike protein the way it is used to produce Insulin and then inject it as vaccine? 5: Costs/adjuvates are kind of a wash. M-RNA is kind of hard to keep stable, as such what you save in production costs is partly lost in storage/transportation costs etc. Its like suggesting you invented the car because you bought a Buick dealership. The biggest factor though is that it takes very little time to develop a mRNA vaccine if you have already developed a good platform for it, and know exactly what mRNA to use, which we do thanks to SARS and MERS. A treatment-emergent AE (TEAE) is defined as any event not present before exposure to IP or any event already present that worsens in intensity or frequency after exposure. Can someone more educated and informed than I confirm or deny my following interpretation of this from the article I linked? They may only scurry away a short distance or quickly come out of hiding once they realize it is you. Make the Connection. !” scare stories, Dumbo’s “now the vaccine has already killed quite a few under 40.” is still much less than the number under 40 who’ve been killed by the virus in my immediate not super high population area. When your guinea pig starts to sleep around you, especially with their eyes closed, this means that they no longer see you as a threat. The gene-editing RNA concoction is not going into my veins, and its not a ‘vaccination’, anymore than the patriot act is patriotic.. but I would credit all or some combination of the above factors, first and foremost for the differential. But you can use their daily dose of vegetables and other treats to help bond with them. Our Reigning Political Puppets, Dancing to Invisible Strings, How America was neoconned into World War IV, AnonFromTN|AnonStarter|Nicolás Palacios Navarro|L.K|Res|SolontoCroesus|Talha|xxxErebus|Mark Green|AP. Your argument boils down to “the technology is more advanced that I claim or know” … can you cite any of these advances which have actually lead to licensed biologics? If you trigger the immune system on only the syncitin like spike protein. As things stand at the moment, it is hard to deny the possibility of a correlation between mass vaccination and a sharp spike in Covid-19 cases in both Israel and Britain. Atzmon should stick to writing about things he knows something about, that is negro “music”, and probably not much else. The Covid-19 Vaccine; Is the Goal Immunity or Depopulation? 6) Arabs/Pali’s skew younger at the mean demographic than even Orthodox (? This might have something to do with the fact that I’m trying to explain this to laymen, vs. people like you who claim to be domain experts in the current state of the art. The truly vast see the small so vastly smaller than the small appear to themselves that they struggle to see the small difference at all. Try to evaluate where you are with your guinea pigs, and apply the different methods to help guinea pigs gain trust and display more affection toward you. Such a growth rate is not seen throughout the plague and is probably due at least in part to the British mutant. So, you want to minimize the amount of threatening noise your guinea pig is exposed to on a regular basis. It’s like a “hacking” of our RNA, it makes the body fight itself causing all kinds of problems. People must remember that we have been living with viruses for hundreds of thousand of years. Here’s what your guinea pigs need in their cage to feel safe in their environment: Unlimited access to their main food source puts them at ease. I am also using this as an opportunity to resolve multiple threads of thinking about many interrelated topics, or maybe just to pose the issues for me that your point contacts in my thoughts and intentions. Plus, this time apart will help you get to know their personality better before physically introducing them to your other guinea pigs. In both cases, below Vegetable and Treat Method will help you build trust and gain guinea pig love. Thanks for the RNA to DNA explanation. Britain and Israel did. ivermectin, zinc with ionophore) to help them survive. Continue following the above tips until you notice a positive change and they start developing trust in you. I do not particularly buy into this (it seems fairly far fetched to me) but causing infertility would be overlooked during rushed trials. I recommend against taking mRNA based vaccine in people younger than 70 until (as you called it ) “more natural” vaccines available here. if all is so fine, why have there been claims in the last decade for vaccines developed over years and decades? @noname27 above also need to explain how countryside doctor Edward Jenner was also a pharmacological giant, using Variolae vaccinae AKA smallpox of the cow AKA cow pox as the first vaccine to, well, there’s a missing step there like the underpants gnomes. You’re going to have to do better to try to claim a cause and effect relationship, especially when we have as of reported to the CDC by last Friday as of 9 am 6,688,231 people who’ve gotten their first dose in the US, including 693,246 through the Federal Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term Care Program (CVS and Walgreens fanning out to vaccinate people in long term care facilities; and these numbers will be updated later today). Thus the vaccine might very well accelerate the spread of the pandemic. Because so many struggle so much with how to think about death, they are easy with giving death, and especially when they can say they give death to preserve life. Gilad- get serious. If you are diagnosed with hemorrarghic fever, live or dead is a coinflip. Gilad has bought so deeply into the Covid hoax, it’s pitiful. Your comments are overly simplistic as they relate to the state of the art 15-20 years ago. They just require a little more patience and commitment from their guinea pig parent. The Israeli Marker’s headline on 27 December stated: “A cause for concern: (Israeli) Arabs do not come to get vaccinated.” The Marker pointed out that Jewish citizens from all over Israel travel to Arab villages and cities to receive the vaccines that were designated to Arabs. Couldn’t find anything about Estonia except that it has only gotten Pfizer/BioNTech, but per this article for example is expecting 1,200 doses from Moderna soon, which gives many details about their vaccinations to date. Some guinea pigs, just like humans, are more shy or nervous than others. Metal and virtual machines whom humans participate in birthing are further skins of organizational logics endemic not only within the human skins of this planet but every skin on every planet, asteroid, or hyperthreading jet of cosmic rays. Stay ahead of the game. Israel launched its mass vaccination campaign a few days after Britain. ‘…See Steve Sailor’s latest for how numbers in Israel will soon deliver an acid test.’. Once you get the vaccine, can you just go back to your normal life full of hugging people and not wearing a mask? Papua New Guinea is renowned for ceremonial occasions at which hundreds of pigs or other valuables are distributed to guests. That the two go together for that reason. You cant really compare Covids Case fatality rate with Rabies (second most deadly disease after Kreutzfeldt Jakob in humans, and thats probably because this particular encephalits is so rare there werent survivors yet) or Hemorraghic fevers. It only has a population of 1.3 million so it’s got a small number of facts to track, the US has only eight states and D.C. with fewer people, and five of them are large in terms of land area. Lol, someone got angry when they googled for a definition of ”obtuse”, i see. And yes. As a precaution, you should feed pea flake and other treats in modest amounts. Also try to have enough gap between the edge of the GuineaDad Liner and your foot. For instance, guinea pigs still scurry to safety whenever they hear a strange noise or see a possible threat. Be sure to always take extra measures to keep your guinea pig safe around other pets. And the vaccines can be easily checked for that.. If you are worried about guinea pigs peeing and pooping on the carpet or rug, or if you have a hard floor, you can lay down some GuineaDad Liners. Just remember to be patient with your guinea pigs and always know that you are working with a fragile creature in a jungle. Geographically this makes sense because DNA evidence suggests that modern day domestic cats share a common ancestor with the African wildcat. Make sure your hands are not so close that guinea pigs feel uncomfortable. Funny you should mention that – The financial interests behind the research labs and guiding public / private entities, were investing in RNA tech while underlings arranged funding for Covidian type Gain-of-Function experiments, across the planet. We may be able to stumble upon a very crucial piece of information here. And I suppose BioNTech needed another couple of years before that to finish getting the Nazi’s time machine to work. I am not an epidemiologist or a virologist. Turns out the outbreak started a day before they started their vaccination campaign (they have guesses or better as to why) and I guess you don’t remember that it takes perhaps eight days at the earliest for the first dose of a vaccine to have an effect? It is reasonable to mistrust those who deceive. Otherwise, bupkis. Franklin was not named as … Much the same situation as is seen in the emergence of anti-biotic resistant bacteria. That’s impressive, given that the DNA packed into each of our cells has six billion letters and is two metres long. When antibodies attach to the viral epitope on the spike protein, the ADE2 receptor-dependent entry to epithelial cells is blocked. You give the answer in your quote – Pfizer’s shot only begins having an effect 8-10 days after first injection, and only reaches full potential after the second dose, so you can still get Covid until after your 2nd dose. It’s always been in the cards we may have to create and administer a second vaccine sometime in this period, for example as you note if the current strain mutates enough. They share more than 96% of their DNA code with humans, and their digestive tract is functionally very similar. The “need” for “active” vaccines is that they generally produce a better and more complete immune system response than just proteins, which require adjuvants to get the immune system to respond to them using feasible amounts of proteins (or so is my vague understanding, adjuvants aren’t really understood except that they’re necessary). Responding to any pathogenesis by figuring out who is actually a hostile antigen, and always assuming that any pathogenic invasion is accompanied by several new antigens turning up would be a pretty effective mechanism, that would likely be evolutionarily selected. To guinea pigs, it may be equivalent to being dropped into a jungle with predators with no clothes, house, food, water or tools. Have you heard? On the other hand, if this virus was man-made, it is as “unnatural” as the vaccine, so it would be misguided to consider the effects of an infection by it as representative of “the grand indifference of the natural world”. The fact that guinea pigs are prey animals, who have built-in run and hide in DNA, also leads many humans to misunderstand how much our guinea pigs actually love us.

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