disturbing facts about death

This is the season of treason. These cases include improper shelter, dehydration, starvation, and so on. The funeral home manager, Chris Lujan, said a decision was made an hour later, at 3:30 am, by Scalia’s family members that they did not want any autopsy done (Source: Washington Post). Who would have the resources to carry out an elaborate murder plot like this? The media is often criticized for showing violent and disturbing imagery. Ocean water contains far more salt than human blood. Fitting with your analysis my dream from 22/2/2019 was that in early March I saw RDD had risen and I was considering selling, and I knew at the end of March RDD was going t…. Most Popular. Did the US Marshal check for petechial hemorrhage in his eyes or under his lips that would have suggested suffocation? The last part seems to indicate that this event could be very close from now... Christopher Harris October 13, 2018 5:14…, It breaks my heart that this is being so rushed in NZ.Please join with me in prayer that God will put a spanner in the works and upset this rushed vaccination in my country of NZ.God can intevene beca…, No truth in the media here about the dangers. This reflex is most frequently seen in drowning children.   If the trend continues, that number is expected to increase to 1.6 billion by the year 2025. African-American kids between 5 and 14 years old die from drowning nearly three times as often as whites of the same age. The first 200 words of Z3 News articles may be shared online in exchange for a clickable link to our site. Updated at 6:37 p.m. A law firm hired to investigate Vermont's only prison for women documented an alarming number of allegations of sexual misconduct against inmates and … The new default mode. The lake itself is massive and deep, descending 501 meters (1,645 ft). Yes, it has. Keep praying and fasting saints for the remnant and the lost. Here’s another dark side of the Scalia murder and possible reasons – there are many. At age 21, all males and females would be given an option of obtainig a life estate in 1/3 acre which would escheat to the government at death or take monetary social security at age 75… tents, trailers could be placed on the government land duering their… Read more », Even if the male Obama entity does not push through another justice it has a SCOUTUS that is at best split 4 – 4. Buyers/sellers beware, you are no longer a minnow you are now an amoeba. Just like the Clinton’s, Obama gets by with every evil and unlawful thing he does and with the short time he has left, I suspect he will turn this nation and it’s people upside down and will fly off to a beautiful life. Obama seems to be becoming more bold in his ideology and it would not surprise me if he had an involvement in Scalia’s death. Life in America is all good, according to them. 9 – Homicide Expert Believes There Was Foul Play. Prophetic dream shows Ox coin (ZRX) going up to $50. Most of these confrontations happen with domestic dogs, some breeds of which are plenty large and determined enough to kill a raccoon. However, real life is a lot different from Baywatch. Experts recommend keeping a close eye on swimmers, and if someone becomes still to question them and make sure they remain cognizant. RDD is pumping! Anyone who has watched a crime show is familiar with the term “floaters”—corpses found bobbing on the surface of the water. Appreciate your work. Even a few swallows of the water, dense with salt and minerals, is toxic to the body and disrupting to the electrolyte balance. Meanwhile, anyone who even hints at the idea that Scalia was murdered is instantly ridiculed and branded as delusional. Afterward, he didn’t seem to exhibit any trouble breathing, though he did uncharacteristically soil himself. I gave this message at two churches in 2020. In 2012, he founded Z3news.com to broadcast the message of salvation by reporting end time news before it happens. Advertisement. I always have some dollars for low limit BTC buy orders, but I am heavily weighted for RDD sell orders, and s…, Hi Z3, I had a dream where my Electronium account was valued at $52,000 I only have 104,000 ETN, so that would put the ETN price about .50 cents. But then do the American people really care? Judgment Falls On America with the Death of Justice Scalia, TD Hale: Presidential Limo Flips Over After Death of…, First Seven Stanzas of Prophetic Poem Fulfilled, America’s Future Revealed in Two Visions of the Eagle, Prophetic Dream Reveals Unrighteous Woman Leading America in, Israel Rejects UN Resolution, Refuses to Adhere to It, Stock Market and Dollar Might Both Get Punched Hard This…, Great question. There are some disturbing things about the 55-year old who was selected for the top job at the WHO in May 2017 that seem to have been skipped by the Media(D). Why was Poindexter so reluctant to cooperate with the County Sherriff, even telling him this death was beyond his authority? I know he was murdered. “As a former homicide commander, I am stunned that no autopsy was ordered for Justice Scalia. Justice Scalia’s son, Eugene Scalia, appeared as a guest on the Laura Ingrahm show where he stated, “Our family just has no doubt that he was taken from us by natural causes. The more mundane facts about Dr. Tedros are that he was born in 1965 in Asmara, which was part of Ethiopia at the time but is … Also, the 15 minute Spanish Flu bitchute is heartbreaking and mind blowing. Thanks for sharing that encouraging dream Donna. The Justice of the Peace pronounced, “He died of natural causes” without ever seeing the body. Hale and Rick were thinking that he was referring to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Considering how important his position was to the future of our nation, The remote location of his death far away from home and from his normal, The absence of his personal security guards. The guillotine was marvelously efficient, but could only serve one person at a time. They breed furiously in the water, and the female is occasionally drowned during congress. It takes considerably longer to kill a person, between 8 to 10 minutes, allowing a much greater chance of rescue. Harder was in an auto accident resulting in him becoming a paraplegic. Great observations, James! Prolific 20th-century American serial killer Albert Fish is known by many names - The Boogeyman, The Gray Man, The Werewolf of Wysteria, The Brooklyn Vampire, and The Moon Maniac. They are aware of it and they want to shut it down.”, 3 – He Died in One of the Most Isolated Locations in America. When he returned home, his mother gave him a bath and he went to bed. Interestingly, while in the air I saw RDD have it's nice run up today. Yes Obama had it done! A lungful of it may be deadly, but the salt from the Dead Sea is packed with invigorating minerals. Love this gift and talent with the numbers that this man has been given. Later, Justice of the Peace Juanita Bishop said, “If it had been me… I would want to know.” (Source: Washington Post). Prepare Your Hearts, Minds & Souls, “It will take somewhere between 4 months and maybe 14 months before we see the full ravage of what’s going to happen to people who are vaccinated.”. ... 10 Disturbing Facts About 'The Meanest Man In America' He drives all direction. We’re relatively poor swimmers when compared to other animals. What ever happened to all those predictions on this site from a few yrs ago of COB going to 40-50USD? It’s time to stop being so naïve folks. The evidence of foul play was enough to convince at least one homicide expert that Scalia was murdered. 15 Disturbing Facts About Rasputin — The Mystic Who Destroyed Imperial Russia; ... Out of a bizarre and amazing life, it's perhaps Rasputin's death that ends up being the craziest part of all. Raccoons, with their bandit masks, are adorable creatures, if a bit of a nuisance. So many people came up with creative ways to remember the dead — including Victorian death photos. The enemy is moving on all fronts. “When Americans will think that it is peace and safety, from the middle of the country people will start fighting against the government. Hale on Trunews when he said that he saw Obama severing off the head of the eagle with his foot (the one Obama had previously shot down out of the sky) and saying, ” I’ve done it and now I don’t have to deal with it anymore.” T.D. What DPIC Offers. Warren, very good observation tying in the scotus split/election postponement. The legs do not kick, and the arms are held laterally against the body. Soon thereafter, bacterial activity inside the corpse causes a buildup of gases, and the body floats to the top like a cork. I was given the message in the link I am leaving in 2011, I gave the message at two church…, The safest COVID test is the spit test because it only requires spitting in a cup without anything inserted into us. It sounds to me like a confirmation of what others have seen prophetically regarding a financial crisis that begins in Germany. 1 – Motive Established One of the first things police detectives look for in any homicide investigation is motive. That’s the canary in the coal mine. 42 Disturbing Facts About the Dark History of Medieval Europe. I knew right away this was a suspicious death. 6 – The Hotel Owner is One of Obama’s Major Donors. By Joanie Stahl https…. The males will also attack young harbor seals, raping and killing them. (Source: NPR), Judge Guevara also contacted Scalia’s physician in Washington, who informed her 79-year old Scalia suffered from some chronic conditions. There is no telling how many thousands more corpses lie on the floor of Lake Tahoe, perpetually left to their last summer vacation. After Scalia died, it took a three-and-a-half-hour drive to transport his body to the funeral home in El Paso. With frenetic energy and boyish enthusiasm, he led viewers on close encounters with deadly and usually endangered animals. I agree Alt season started including RDD. If My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. The frigid depths preserved the body and did not allow bacteria to flourish. No coroner, medical expert, or homicide police detectives examined the body. I never knew Fauci is a Jesuit. The bottom line in the Scalia story is that America has taken another hit because God has lifted His hand of protection. They know people are waking up to them. the “Black Dahlia,” who was reportedly seen drinking at the hotel bar in the days before her grisly demise. I had a dream last night of dark grey clouds, just like you posted above, coming from the Northeast and starting to go over Northern Germany. When blood flow to the heart is blocked, a heart attack can occur. Pretty amazing! 4. I won”t rehash what I have previously written about the many recent dreams/visions which correlate with that of my relative, President George Washington– those of A.A. Allen, John Paul Jackson, etc.The bottom line is that in an age of WMDs, the best offense is a good defense–which China and Russia have; but we don’t. Your BTC zero crash prophecy is as shocking as three asteroids. This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. Forty percent of the population, about 24 million people, live below the poverty line. But shockingly enough, about 90 percent of drowning cases occur in freshwater. (Source: Dailykos.com). Below are 10 facts about drowning; from a lake that never surrenders its victims to a party for lifeguards that ended in deadly irony. Can someone shed light on this? Johnny, who had autism and ADD, was wearing swimmies on his arms but still managed to apparently “drink” a little water. In Australia, kangaroos will use a similar tactic to defend themselves from attacking dingoes. So named because its salinity leaves its waters practically devoid of life, the Dead Sea is located between Israel and Jordan and is popular with tourists. For example, many parts of the county are easily over one hundred miles to the closest hospital. You are so diligent. One of the first things police detectives look for in any homicide investigation is motive. The majority of African Americans live in urban centers, where they are less likely to encounter pools or learn to swim. It seems very strange to me. The party was being held to celebrate a summer where no one had drowned at any of the city’s pools. Surprisingly, it was traditionally considered a rather “genteel” method of capital punishment, typically reserved for women or men of privilege. Why was he pushing to turn the case over to federal agents and so willing to cooperate with them? Heart attacks and strokes. Movies, TV, video games, tabletop RPGs, comic books, and various other things have … Another view also of what we already know is a demonic Catholic Church/Vatican/Pope. Yes. The 1st night dream...I saw a former coworker and he gave my sister a box of chocolate and it was sitting on a shelf. Again, this is not due to any kind of physical difference between blacks and whites but exposure to water. Why would he ask them to leave? Hi Newton - I got on a plane to the US about 24 hours ago, and today is my first day here. (Source: Washington Times). We’re praying for him. What could possibly go wrong? When they explode America will burn.”, It is also interesting that Justice Scalia’s son (Paul) is a Catholic priest and he was the priest that performed the funeral service for his father wearing a ‘dragon costume’. We accept that. In 1982, he surrendered his life to the Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks to high mortality rates and the rampant spread of disease, death was everywhere during the Victorian era. If this flash crash happened, what would cause it? If this is an assassination, it signifies that they are dropping the hammer. In Salem and elsewhere, the process of determining whether one was a witch could be quite brutal. The woman was Kimberly Fattorini, a … 16 Most Interesting Historical Artifacts That Will Leave You Surprised. When near a body of water, the clever little creature will swim out. ¿Cómo saber que vas al cielo? But the raccoon has a trick up its sleeve. The remote location also made it very difficult to arrange a judicial inquiry, especially on a Saturday, because the Justice of the Peace would have to make such a long trip to see the victim. We truly have come to a point in this country where evil is being called good and good evil. That’s because dying without the chance for confession and Last Rites meant the deceased’s spirit would wander restlessly forever. In the meantime we need to be praying for Jones and others like him, who are trying to wake up the people of this nation. It’s a real tragedy. So now America has four conservative judges and four liberal judges. They’ve got the votes now to enforce copyright law. The fewer witnesses the better. I always questioned his accident. I had a dream in which I saw Biden walk away from a podium to give the spotlight to Obama, and then a thought came to me, Biden was going to be replaced by Obama very soon. Although he claimed to have 400 victims, Fish was convicted and sentenced to death … But at a 1985 bash in New Orleans, Louisiana, drowning is precisely what happened. At least one credible homicide expert suspects foul play and it all happened in the name of “The President”. James Bailey is a blogger, business owner, husband and father of two grown children. There are disturbing, mysterious facts in the world that some might have a hard time believing. The myriad of disturbing facts about the death penalty has led to a sharp decline in its use and even to a lowering of support in the abstract poll question. by Sufia Banu Jul 1, 2015, 2:54 am 5.9k Views Comments Off on 16 Most Interesting Historical Artifacts That … You are greatly appreciated! Based only on that, Judge Guevara pronounced Scalia died of “natural causes”. I reviewed my notes and found almost every prophetic word posted regarding COB, including one about it going up to $40 (I could not find anything about $50) came from the same person w…, Marcio—would you sell RDD at .01 for some cash. In this case, we have strong evidence for a motive. It is one of our most visceral fears; thrashing in the deep, far below the water’s surface, lungs burning for oxygen. With Scalia out of the way, the left-wing fascists now have a far better chance for success in the upcoming Supreme Court rulings on many important cases in the next few months, including gun control, abortion, power plant regulation, the Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty, and immigration. He had inhaled a sufficient amount of water to slowly drain the oxygen from his body and kill him, a rare condition known as “delayed drowning.” His grief-stricken mother Cassandra reported, “I’ve never known a child could walk around, talk, speak and their lungs be filled with water.” While this could happen to anyone, children are the most susceptible. I believe we have now entered into the early stages of civil war in America, which is what I saw coming in a prophetic dream, which I shared in this post, Civil War is Coming to the United States. It’s a real tragedy. I believe our sins, the sins of those who claim to know God, have opened a door for the evil one to come in bringing destruction upon our land. Unfortunately, it also saps strength from the limbs for swimming. 4- Cause of Death Announcement Came Way Too Fast. For years I have followed Alex Jones and prior to Jones, Chuck Harder out of Florida, Mr. When the blood is so radically diluted, cells burst, leading to organ failure. This would certainly align with that. Hi James, thank you for your post. What these fun seekers fail to realize is that they have a graveyard beneath them. Of course, I have a background in law enforcement, so everything is suspicious to me. The Winchester Mystery House® is an architectural wonder and historic landmark in San Jose, CA that was once the personal residence of Sarah Lockwood Pardee Winchester, the widow of William Wirt Winchester and heiress to a large portion of the Winchester® Repeating Arms fortune. Thank You, That’s a powerful dream and I think your interpretation is correct. “It takes at least a week for a coroner or medical examiner, depending on the state, sometimes a month, to say the cause of death or make any comments because they have laws against saying, “Uh, somebody died, but it was natural causes, we think.” We have a Supreme Court Justice dead in a hotel room and within ten minutes, we looked at the time stamp of this being announced this afternoon, the first announcement was, “It appears to be natural.” (Source: Alex Jones Video Posted on Facebook). Steroid misuse can lead to a condition called atherosclerosis, where fat builds up inside arteries and makes it hard for blood to flow. He sputtered and coughed, then appeared to return to normal—nothing that doesn’t happen every time the average child goes swimming. I recently read an article on Vigilante Citizen which stated that Judge Scalia was in the presence of Masonic Lodge members when he died and tha he belonged to a lodge. Just the ranch alone covers 30,000 acres. Yes, Elon is the beast of the crypto sea,lol. She went to check on him minutes later, only to find him foaming at the mouth, his lips blue. This was the first annual party in memory where they could celebrate a trouble-free season.”, Freediving TV – Sebastien Murat: an introduction on the mammalian diving reflex, 10 Gruesome And Dreadful Murders By Drowning, 10 Disturbing Facts About President Erdogan Of Turkey, 10 Disturbing Facts Of The Gypsy Hill Murders, 10 Disturbing Facts About The Colonial Parkway Murders, 10 Disturbing Facts About 'The Meanest Man In America', 11 Lesser-Known Facts About Mass Murderer Jim Jones…, 10 Disturbing Facts About Serial Killer Ivan Milat,…, 9 Sinister Facts About The Dark Side Of Instagram…, 10 Famous Tech Ceos You Do Not Want To Work For, Top 10 Images Of The World’s Eeriest Places, Top 10 Creative Ways Someone Has Committed Murder, Top10 Absurd Scientific Experiments And Discoveries, Top 10 Underrated Acting Performances Of The Last Decade, Top 10 Strange Original Versions of Famous Songs, Top 10 Utterly Bizarre Things Banned In China, Top 10 Movie Flops Everybody Expected To Be Great, The Lost World of Fossil Lake: Snapshots from Deep Time, 10 Crazy Scientific Theories That Used To Be Accepted As True, 10 Surprising Facts About Iranian Culture, 10 Shockingly Heartless Acts By Beloved Brands, Seemingly Simple Questions Nobody Can Answer. Hemlock seeds are poisonous and shut you’re breathing tube up. Does anyone REALLY think we have that much time left for this nation? Very interesting. Resuscitation efforts were unsuccessful. Thanks for this word. Video Video related to sarah stern’s death: 5 fast facts you need to know 2020-03-27T19:00:23-04:00 McAtasney allegedly thought he would be able to get around $100,000 from Stern before her death. Tucked in the Sierra Nevada mountains between California and Nevada, Lake Tahoe is a popular vacation destination with a chilling secret. In this case, we have strong evidence for a motive. Thanks for sharing that. The hotel owner turns out to be a major donor to President Obama, refuses to reveal the name of the victim to the local Sherriff, tells the Sherriff he has no authority in his own county, instructs him to turn it over to federal agents, and then acts as the primary liaison for them. The Obama administration has often granted presidential awards to the President’s most prized donors (Source: WND). So if someone wanted to murder Scalia, the ranch resort, Cibolo Creek Ranch, in Presidio County Texas, would be an ideal location, darker than any dark alley because of how difficult it is for anyone with any homicide expertise to see the crime scene. Thanks, Marcio. See http://youtu.be/b0t6LMwCGcU. Very good insight James, I read that Scalia was “found dead” and mourned over him. Donate to Z3 News. You’re out of there. Due to this reflex, the bodies of children who have been submerged for many minutes have been resuscitated with no neurological damage. It resonated in my spirit and I bought at 13 with 4 premium. Infowars.com host Alex Jones posted a video expressing how unusual it is for a cause of death to be announced so soon, especially without any examination by a coroner or medical examiner. The airway closes, the heart rate slows, and the capillaries in the skin and extremities constrict, sending blood toward the vital organs. In the United States, approximately 80 percent of drowning victims are male. When a human’s face touches water, a series of involuntary physiological responses begin, designed to keep the body alive. The only thing suspicious was the fact that his pillow was on top of the top half of his face. 25 Global Smoking Facts and Statistics . I think we’re about to see all hell break loose in the coming months and next few years in this country. If Bill F's analysis about 144.3 is correct ( which is very believable), we might see rdd 4-5c spiking happens in next one week or two weeks. I realize many are finally waking up, yet so many would vote him back in office if Obama could run for President again. Rebuy on a 62% retrace Also if someone had additional funds which alt coins right now would you buy for max return Just information not investing advise…, Hi expat girl: Thank you for all the time-consuming research you do for this site. That being said, it surprises me when people talk about America 100 years from now? So if I am understanding you correctly, it sounds like you were tempted to sell Rdd in the…. Not surprisingly, this twist of irony was quite traumatizing, with New Orleans Recreational Department Director stating, “The lifeguards were really upset. Windecker was found in cold water—1.7 degrees Celsius (35 °F)—at 81 meters (265 ft). That's a great catch Edouard. The poverty line. Here are some excerpts from his message: “We talked to Matt Drudge and others about the fact that in 2016 they plan to kill the bill of rights and the Constitution.”. Fresh water is more similar in composition to our own blood than salt water. Those in poorer countries are far more likely to drown. The colder the water, the better, as it slows the metabolism and allows the body to enter a protective state much like hibernation.

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