ancient roman furniture museum

Finally, being well versed in the craft of wood finishing in invaluable. Waxes can be applied as clear coatings on objects, or as opaque paints. These pieces of art are the most important source for the present-day architects and designers to reconstruct the monuments as per the … Carnauba is a palm wax, present as a film on the leaves of some South American palm trees. These are: preserving historic artifacts; paint and varnish chemistry; furniture history and construction; and, the craft of furniture finishing. London: Crafts Council, 1983. The difference between natural resins and gums can be difficult to define, and are thus they are presented together in this section. Often the treatment concerns only portions of the coating strata, which reinforces the need to fully characterize the nature of the existing coating system(s). The success of this approach depends entirely on the thermoplasticity of the existing film material. Cleaning Painted Surfaces: Aqueous Methods. This is accomplished by the polymerization of the mono or oligomeric constituents of the formulation. Shellac is an exudate from the insect Laccifer lacca, which is indigenous to India and Indochina. The primary difference is the presence of a colorant in the varnish solution which imparts to the finisher the ability to form painted patterns on the surface of the object. What a pity: His excavations made very important discoveries, but were carried out with inadequate instruments, using inaccurate procedures.”. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, vol. "Problems in the Conservation of Decorative Painted Surfaces;" in Wooden Artifacts Group, New Orleans, 1988. An accurate determination of the stability and the cause of deterioration place them one step further to the successful design of the treatment procedure. Inside the museum, the object's function and purpose is often to just stand there and look a certain way, and bear the evidence of history. London: Chapman and Hall, 1979. In addition, the naturally present wax may be removed from the lac in a solvent extraction process, and resulting shellac resin may be bleached in aqueous, alkali solutions. For example, 23 carat gold is 23 parts pure gold and one part other metals, usually copper or silver. However, lakes are generally not as opaque nor are they lightfast as true pigments. 1-15. Common aqueous cleaners, like Orvus®, are 5% solutions of detergents applied with cotton swabs or pads. Preserving finishes and treating degraded coatings requires a broad base of knowledge and diverse skills, including the knowledge of coating materials and their deterioration, as well as craft skills necessary to manipulate the films, whether in preserving existing films or applying new coatings. Both tempera and casein are initially water soluble materials which become less soluble once dry; in the case of milk paint, the coating becomes virtually intractable when dry. First, the solvent which is used to liquify the resin evaporates, followed by the polymerizing of the oil component. Exhibition halls will feature walls adorned with frescoes and graffiti, household objects like a bronze food-warmer and tableware, and marble and bronze statues, among other archaeological treasures. But the site suffered lasting damage from illegal treasure hunters and early archaeological work that was not up to modern standards. Elemi is soluble in both alcohol and turpentine spirits, but is too soft to be used as a primary varnish resin. While all copals are of vegetable origin, some have been fossilized and some are balsams, or exudates from living trees. ----- "Solvents and Solutions - Part 1," The Woodfinisher, no.4, Summer 1987. First and foremost, the functions outlined earlier, providing protection and modifying appearance, form the cornerstones, but others are equally important. Townsend, editors. Shellac varnish was one of the most widely used furniture finishes in our recent past (c. 1725-1925), and remains popular among many craftsmen and furniture conservators. Candelilla is extracted by cutting and drying leaves followed by shredding the plant material and soaking it in tanks for solvent extraction. In many cases the resins are combined with drying oils to form oil/resin varnishes which have a two step drying process. There are many considerations about the use of materials used in finishing, refinishing, and caring for finishes on historic furniture. In addition to existing literature, dozens of conservators and other scholars are continuing to prepare articles, monographs and books on the subject of furniture coatings. London: United Kingdom Institute for Conservation, 1994, pp. Sanding lubricants modify the properties of the dried coating, and driers catalyze and accelerate the hardening process for oil based coatings. Nitrocellulose "lacquers" were formulated by nitrating cellulose in an acid solution, forming cellulose esters. ----- Science for Conservators. and structure (relative humidity [RH] shifts and ensuing dimensional-change-caused deterioration). In most cases the exact chemical reaction process of the polymerization is relatively unimportant for either the creating craftsman or the conservator/restorer. ----- "Shellac Finishing," Fine Woodworking, no. London: Scott, Greenwood and Son, 1908. 3. Because of this, it is difficult to differentiate Roman forms from earlier Hellenistic ones in many cases. Important vegetable waxes are carnauba and candelilla, with esparto, ouricuri (or ouricury), and berry wax as minor components in some coatings. Linseed oil may also be used in conjunction with other ingredients (mostly resins) to form transparent varnishes (see below). Urushiol, or Oriental lacquer, is derived from the sap of the rhus tree, an eastern relative of poison sumac. "Decorative and Protective Finishes, 1750-1850: Materials, Process, Craft," APT Bulletin (Association for Preservation Technology), Vol. Acrylics are widely used in virtually every phase of the modern coatings industry, including furniture. Tyrus Amethyst Bracelet - Museum Shop Collection $53.00 $36.85. Once these notions are addressed, and questions answered, we are well on the way to designing a thoughtful, reasonable, and ethical path to future actions (or inactions), Deciding What Materials to Use in Restoration. Usually ozokerite is processed to become ceresine wax by heat and the addition of sufuric acid, with the resultant ceresine being the supernatant of the reacted crude wax. Both historic and contemporary fabricators of wooden objects generally consider(ed) coatings, particularly "non decorative," to be a potentially sacrificial element of the whole. Methods for removing unbound dirt and grime from the surface of a coating are similar to cleaning procedures for wood surfaces with the additional consideration that coatings can be physically or chemically more fragile than wood. Michalski, Stefan. Most naturally occurring resins are of vegetable origin, even though one of the most important resins for furniture coatings is shellac, an insect exudate. This allows simultaneous reformation and augmentation of the film. 154-159. It is also home to … The Permanent Collection spans from 2100 B.C. If the varnish formulation is a solvent release system (the varnish is dissolved in solvent only), a rapidly drying, relatively hard and brittle film can be obtained. The Cleaning of Paintings: Problems and Potentialities. to the tragic eruption of 79 [A.D], with particular attention paid to the city’s inseparable link with Rome.”. Our Roman Forge furniture, marble tables and other Roman furniture for sale is risen from the ranks of reproductions up to fine art inspired by museum … London: Archetype Books, 2000. Landrey, Gregory J., Richard Wolbers, and Nancy Rienhold. In instances where the mineral ground (gesso or bole) is weak and no longer integral, it must be consolidated. This experience generally does not include a study of the fundamental nature of finishes, much less the areas of optics, color theory or analytical methodology. London: Faber, 1979. Philadelphia PA, 1978. Rome: ICCROM, 1985. Artist's Pigments. The conservation treatment of damaged furniture finishes is a relatively new discipline, and it is likely that much of the framework discussed for such treatments will be superceded by new techniques and approaches in relatively short order. Thermoplastic materials, such as waxes and some resins, can be removed easily with relatively mild solvents. Finally, there is the practitioners obligation to keep accurate and detailed records for future reference. Oils crosslink with age, which means that they are not easily removed, and under some circumstances may darken considerably. Gilding may be adhered directly to a wood substrate, but it is much more common for leaf to be placed on a mineral ground. 4. This means that trying to leave the object as undisturbed as possible and yet insure the long term stability, function and preservation of that object. 39-62. For that reason polychrome surfaces are virtually sacrosanct, and any manipulation which could destroy the visual character of the decoration is not an option. To these one must add all of the new materials which have been developed in recent times. This too could be polished to a relatively high sheen. Special formulations of gum turpentine include Venice turpentine and Strasbourg turpentine. Visit the finest Roman Museums / Art Galleries in UK. The three large curtain fragments (ECM 6300, 6301 and 6305) are examples of the most common form of decoration on late Roman textiles. Washington, DC: American Institute for Conservation, 1988, 12 pages. There are two principle protein coating for wooden objects; casein and tempera. -----"Wax-resin surface polishes." London: Alec Tiranti, 1961. 27, no. A short description of these is as follows. Common "retarding" solvents such as glycol ethers, are used since they are both excellent solvents, and can remain active on a treated surface for days. Townsend, editors. 3, 1982, pp. Hicks, Edward. What is its problem? By far the most predominant oil for use as a coating for wooden objects is linseed oil, whose prominent position among oils dwarfs all the others. So, a good knowledge of the chemical nature and properties of the solid finish film, its solvents, and its behavior at each step of existence, is essential. Wachowiak, Melvin J., Jr, Donald C. Williams, and William Lewin. Mussey, Robert D., editor. The framework presented for treating transparent coatings pertains also to polychrome surfaces, although obviously not all the specifics are applicable. By such a technique the early "French polishes" were accomplished. In circumstances where the substrate has shrunk, it may be necessary to trim some of the tented coating in order to allow the set down paint to fit into the space remaining. Roman furniture is largely based on Greek and Etruscan precedents but can be categorized into a few types. London: International Institute for Conservation, 1990, pp. Selective removal of coating material from the coating falls into two categories, one which will be discussed here and the other later on. The following treatment options and procedures are presented in that light. The scope of objects in Smithsonian collections is staggering—from ancient Chinese bronzes to the Star-Spangled Banner; from a 3.5 billion-year-old fossil to the Apollo lunar landing module; from the ruby slippers featured in The Wizard of Oz to presidential memorabilia. Professional Refinisher, April/May 1999. Regardless of chemical composition, all waxes and wax like materials are used in a similar manner as coatings, and the many varied formulations of wax mixtures created and used through the ages, exhibit a surprising similarity in their working properties. ----- "The influence of varnishes on the appearance of paintings." What got me interested in this material was that little night stand above. 2, 1982, pp. Washington, DC: American Institute for Conservation, 1988. Modern Christian churches are called basilicas because ancient Roman Christians, who had no places to meet and worship, would congregate in public buildings called basilicas. Second is the choice of materials which, if necessary, can be removed without further damage to the object. Vegetable dyes included any coloring material which could be removed from any plant. Solvents Safety Handbook. London: International Institute for Conservation, 1990, pp. Even if there is a full understanding of the chemical and historical aspects of finishes, that knowledge is of little value without the craft skills needed to solve the problem. Turpentine resins were historically called turpentine gums because of their softness. Because of these characteristics, colophony was a cheap substitute for other resins in spirit and oil varnishes. 111-118. Most common damage to metal-leafed surfaces is in the form of abrasion, as the soft metal foil is literally rubbed off by use or housekeeping. Ideally the poultice will have some physical integrity in order to facilitate its removal by enabling the poultice to be peeled from the surface once the cleaning is complete. Masschelein Kleiner, Liliane. Lake pigments were formulated by using the dyestuff to color an inert mineral powder, usually calcium carbonate or alumina. Applying varnish and colorants to scratches and nicks involves little other than the introduction of a small amount of material to the surface in order to provide some measure of visual uniformity. These resins have achieved wide popularity in industry because of their extreme durability over relatively short periods of time, and their ability to be adapted to industrial coating practices. Once the ground has been stabilized and cleaning is complete, areas of loss to the metal leaf may be re leafed. Polymerization may be initiated and accelerated by heating the oil, saturating it with oxygen, or by adding metal salts to act as catalysts called "driers" to the formulation during refining. 1. Waxes are among the most ancient of coating materials, predating written history. London: Butterworths, 1990. As has been discussed elsewhere in this piece, the ideal is to intervene the minimal extent necessary to stabilize the object and accomplish the treatment goals. The interested and engaged aficionado who doesn't care about the implications of preserving personal, family, and social history is, in my experience, a rare bird. "Boston Japanned Furniture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art," The Magazine Antiques, Vol. All of this contributes to determining whether a finish is potentially original and should be retained or whether the existing finish is incorrect and of little historic significance (such as polyurethane on a Philadelphia Rococo piece). Finally, the examination involves analytical methods, including instrumental determination of the coating constituency. Extreme care must be employed because of the inherent fragility of the microscopically thin metal leaf, and the likelihood that the binder holding the leaf to the surface could be damaged by vigorous cleaning. Pigments were also made from naturally occurring mineral gemstones such as azurite, ultramarine, and malachite. ABOUT OUR ROMAN COLLECTION. Note: Pure gold is "24 carat." Solvent release coatings are good candidates for this procedure, even if degraded and partially polymerized. Solvent/resin solutions may be designed and formulated to fit specific characteristics required for the coating, either while liquid or once dry. London: International Institution for Conservation, 1970, pp. As described earlier, a great number of the problems associated with coatings deterioration are mechanical. In general, treatment options for leafed surfaces revolve around the repair of the ground, as already implied. Because all cleaning procedures are potentially damaging to the object, it is often preferable to employ two weakly effective cleaners than a single more powerful solution which may cause damage. The exact properties of the wax in use (color, hardness, melting point, etc.) Madison, CT: Soundview Press, 1991. The Antiquarium, a museum located on the ruins of the ancient city of Pompeii, fully reopened this week for the first time in … Philadelphia, PA: Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology, 1986. As Osanna told Smithsonian magazine’s Franz Lidz in 2019, excavations led by his predecessor, Amedeo Maiuri, in the mid-20th century were highly productive but left their own puzzles for modern researchers. In general, as with transparent finishes, the goals of any treatment involving a decorative painted surface determine the treatment options. “I find particularly touching the last room, the one dedicated to the eruption, and where on display are the objects deformed by the heat of the eruption, the casts of the victims, the casts of the animals,” Osanna tells the AP. The physical properties of specific paraffins are entirely dependant on the processing of the petroleum and the chain length of the molecule. Casein is processed from the curd of soured milk, hence its common name "milk paint." To these one must add all of the new materials which have been developed in recent times. Because of this hardness it is very durable as a protective coating, but it is too hard to be used without modifiers to make it more workable and pliable. As a group mineral waxes are among the most stable organic coating materials, and tend to be considered as reactively inert. Damar (or more properly damars), results from the harvesting of exudates from trees in Malaysia. Our Roman mosaics reproductions will provide exclusive textures to your floors and walls as fantastic ancient Roman decor. "The Use of Wax Finishes on Pre-Industrial American Furniture." Arabic is obtained from the African acacia tree. Cleaning the surface is the least intrusive action to be taken by which an alteration to the object is attempted. The Antiquarium, a museum located on the ruins of the ancient city of Pompeii, fully reopened this week for the first time in more than 40 years. The technique of applying metal leaf, frequently called "gilding" regardless of the metal in question, involves the gluing of thin metal foil to the surface of an object. United States Patent and Trademark Office patent 6,258,882 . Additional modifiers for coatings are ingredients which aid flow during application, producing a smoother more continuous fil, and suspending agents which are necessary for emulsifying and suspending pigments in paint. What can be done? Couch and footstool with bone carvings and glass inlays. London: Crafts Council, 1982. The basic procedure for reforming is to first determine which, if any, solvents modify and reliquify the existing coating. With the reopening of the Antiquarium, the public will now be able to see some of the remarkable items discovered at the site for themselves. Earth pigments include umbers, ochres, siennas, chalk, Indian red and terra verde. It is in this step that experience with and knowledge of historic coating materials and techniques is invaluable. Solvents, as the name implies, are used to dissolve the resin (the "solute") into an appropriate liquid (the "solvent") which can be applied to the surface of the object. Whether either turpentine or colophony was to be the product or the by-product depended on the perspective of the enterprise. The ground is called gesso, and is a mixture of calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, or koalin and protein glue. Roman Ancient Glass Drop Earrings - Museum Shop Collection $35.00 $24.85. As Massimo Osanna, director of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, tells the Associated Press’ Andrea Rosa, the opening is “a sign of great hope during a very difficult moment” for Italy’s tourism industry, which has shrunk significantly during the Covid-19 pandemic. In reviewing options for the treatments of coatings, it is important to remember that not all treatments deal exclusively with degraded coating films. Feb 22, 2016 - Explore Lisa Rivers's board "Ancient roman furniture" on Pinterest. One particular application of shellac which is widely admired is a technique called "French polishing," popular from about 1825 on, whereby the a dilute mixture of shellac in alcohol is applied on a tightly wrapped cloth pad known as a "rubber." It should be noted, however, that these copolymers are designed with very specific performance characteristics which may not be identical to those required of commercial finishing lacquers. “Unfortunately, his era was very poorly documented. As the gelled cleaner contacts the adulterant, it adsorbs or absorbs the material, removes it from the surface and leaves a clean, undisturbed coating. Inpainting, or visual compensation for missing polychrome, is usually the final step in treating damaged paint surfaces. They may not be well-skilled, well-trained, or well-informed, but almost always they are well-intentioned and willing to "do the right thing" when guided toward informed choices. Feller, Robert L., Nathan Stolow, and Elizabeth H. Jones. As with other considerations when evaluating historic artifacts of all kinds, these factors must be integrated with the precept that all materials which exist as part of an object contribute to the integrity and uniqueness of that object. The third area of concern is the history of furniture, including design styles, structure, and finishing processes. As with transparent coatings, stable polychrome surfaces can be visually enhanced by the application of wax or resin coatings. Historically, the most straightforward method of wax finishing was to simply prepare the surface as usual, then deposit solid wax directly onto the surface of the wood. The largest museum of Greece hosts the most important artifacts from the entire country under one roof. On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 168. 181-192. Entry fees vary. "Removal of an Insoluble Varnish From an 18th Century Clock Case." Peoria IL: Chas. The perfect example of this is shellac, which is widely used in furniture conservation because it is very stable and remains reversible for long periods of time. In the past this particular problem has been exacerbated by maintenance of wooden objects with various oil polishes applied to the surfaces of those objects. CXXIX, no. Another option is "oil gilding," which uses an oil/resin varnish as the size and results in a matte surface. In Papers Presented at the Wooden Artifacts Group, Vancouver 1987. Artistic technique for the application of these paints is as disparate as the practitioners, ranging from itinerant folk artists to trained painters working in large ateliers. 6. In addition to dyed shellac, common approaches to inpainting transparent coatings include dyes in other resin solutions, pigments in solution, and watercolor washes and gouache. Torraca, Giorgio. This can be accomplished by impregnating the surface with resins or waxes. In that circumstance the observer is faced with a coating, that is both detrimental to the proper interpretation of the surface that is also inexorably integrated with that surface through penetration and crosslinking. It is most commonly used as a less expensive substitute for carnauba. Webb, Marianne. 71, July 1988, pp. Amber, a fully fossilized vegetable resin, is among the most prized and durable natural resins. Hill, John H. "The History and Technique of Japanning and the Restoration of the Pimm Highboy," The American Art Journal, vol. An example of this would be using specially formulated acrylic copolymer resins rather than commercial acrylic lacquers or modified nitrocellulose lacquers. Southall, Anna. The female lac bug exudes a protective coating around herself and thus around the tree branches on which she is living, in order that her offspring are protected until they have developed fully. Candelilla is not as hard as carnauba and has a lower melting temperature around 70°C/158°F. Certainly, no attempt is made here to describe every possible type of damage and deterioration manifest in coatings. 56-59. Park Ridge, N.J.: Noyes Data Corp., 1986. de Witte, Eddy. On Picture Varnishes and Their Solvents. Wax was also present in other oil/resin type paints, both in solution and as emulsions. Washington, DC: American Institute for Conservation, 1989. The first, and still most important, synthetic resin widely used as a coating is cellulose nitrate, which was first widely available at the end of the 19th century. Urushi dries by a enzymatic hydrolytic polymerization, becoming virtually inert upon drying. According to, (Archive of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii), Pompeii is the most-visited archaeological site in the world, notes, “For security reasons they were held in our storage rooms,” Luana Toniolo, an archaeologist and head of the Antiquarium, tells the. This would be accomplished by rubbing solid block wax onto the surface, then burnishing with a bundle of dried grasses, whether horsetail reeds, straw, or other grain stalks. Home to some of the razed settlement’s best-preserved artifacts, including protective amulets and plaster casts of Mount Vesuvius’ victims, the museum will host a permanent display narrating Pompeii’s history, reports Hannah McGivern for the Art Newspaper. Book 3: Adhesives and Coatings. Montan is nearly opaque and very hard, with a melting point of around 75°C/167°F. Save 84% off the newsstand price! New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1975. 1. Linseed oil is a product of flax seed and is obtained by crushing and pressing the seed, resulting in raw oil. Curule: Ancient Design in American Federal Furniture focuses on one aspect of this style—seating furniture that followed the design of the Roman sella curulis, a In many cases this intrusion must take place, but the ideal is to intercede minimally and to leave the surface as undisturbed as possible while assuring stability for, and preservation of the artifact. The problem in decision making and furniture care occurs when we apply the wrong expectations and limitations to the wrong circumstance. These additives can alter working characteristics of a liquid coating during application, or visual or physical properties of the dried films. ------ "Fluorescence of paint and varnish layers. Solutions under consideration should be tested in small, discreet locations to determine efficacy of the techniques and the cleaners' effect on the coating materials which are to be saved. Materials used for inpainting include acrylic resin and emulsion paints, synthetic dyes in natural or synthetic resin solutions, as well as watercolor wash and gauche. These cleaners should be employed in a similar manner as aqueous solutions. Other procedures available include using solvent gels to control manipulation of the solvent(s), making soaps from oils and resins which can effectively remove some overcoatings selectively, and using enzymes such as lipase to digest and break down oil containing layers. Per a statement, the Antiquarium offers “an introduction to the site, … told through the most significant artifacts of the ancient city, from the Samnite era [of the fourth century B.C.] O'Neil, Isabel. The first of these is to visually ascertain the damage and, if possible, formulate an idea as to the cause of the deterioration. Losses, whether of the substrate or of the ground can then be replaced. The distinction is truly more art than science, and the assignation of layers as adulterants vs. important varnishes can be well reasoned or completely arbitrary and capricious. Acrylic resins tend to be more stable than nitrocellulose, and in some cases are extremely stable. Gums include turpentine of various origins (common turpentine "thinner"is more properly called "spirits of turpentine"), gum arabic, and gum tragacanth. The list of historic finish materials is a long one encompassing hundreds of different items. Landrey, Gregory J. Principles of Color Technology. Damar is easily dissolved in a variety of organic solvents allowing a relatively simple filtering and purification procedure. Pigment or dye toning is frequently employed following the application of new leaf to diminish the visual disparity between old and new leaf. Devoted to ancient and European art, the museum contains more than 800 European paintings in its permanent collection—of which around 250 are on … The First American Furniture Finishers's Manual. Elemi is a very soft resin, probably the softest of all natural resins.

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