air canada flight 621

Because it was a Sunday, both of us talked to our parents back here in Toronto and learned what had happened. [13], A board of inquiry was established to investigate the crash. It crashed in Toronto Gore Township, now part of Brampton. My deepest condolences to all those that lost family and friends in this crash. Antonio C Molino We witnessed this plane crash from our car as we were driving westbound on the 401. Gaétan Beaudin ​ ***. I was struck with extreme sadness. Marci Silverberg If you can hear this message wherever you are please accept my deepest thoughts. I remember going out to our vehicles to go home, we were stunned silent and some of us were crying. One hundred and nine peopled died when the DC-8 … Edgar Bradley Witmer The deadliest accident at Toronto Pearson International Airport took place on July 5, 1970, when Air Canada Flight 621, a Douglas DC-8 registered CF-TIW, was flying on a Montreal-Toronto-Los Angeles route. Winnie G. McKettrick We all did, we learned after a long wait their would be no need for us. [18][19][20][21], Since the crash, the surrounding area of the crash site itself has experienced significant residential urbanization. On a early morning flight in july 1970, air canada 621 impacts the runway and suffers severe damage at toronto international airport. 1966/67. I finally talked myself into having the courage to read it last month. We actually live about 5 minutes away from where this field holds the 109 souls. I learned about it from my friend who called me because we were supposed to go swimming. John Reginald Whittingham Lilac trees bloom at the memorial site and 109 pink polished granite markers are arranged in a mosaic on the path to symbolize each victim. Guy Boulanger -, Working at the snack bar at Highway 50 and 7 that day I was devastated by the people stocking up on snacks as they drove up to see the site. And Dad had agreed to instead fly a plane to Toronto and then carry on to London. We also extend prayers of condolences, consolation, and healing to their families and friends. As the airplane approached the airport, the right wing struck the ground during its descent. Mary Baker Whybro My heart goes out to the other families who lost their loved ones that fateful day. Fortunately for me, I met a wonderful, compassionate woman Sonya the following year and we were married in August 1971. Sincères amitiés à Yves, Michel, Pierre et Caroline ainsi qu à leurs familles. I am proud Brampton has honoured your lives with a beautiful memorial garden. Nous la famille Perron et cheff vos voisins et amis d été avons parlé souvent de vous depuis la tragédie survenue le 5 juillet 1970! Imaginez, lors de nos premiers appels chez Air-Canada, ils nous on dit que papa n'était pas à bord. Brigitte Rodrigue Des Marais Lionel Robidoux Then I saw a huge explosion as the plane crashed. Glenn Thomas Steppings The flight from Montreal to Toronto was not an easy one. On July 4, 2013, Purple Lilac Park, named for the flowers that grew at this site before the crash occurred, was officially dedicated on the 43rd anniversary of the crash. 109 marker stones and a … Thankful you can gather here, together, and feel a sense of connection to you, I do remember vividly. Mario Chapdelaine My father was on the Air Canada 831 plane crash in Ste. Air Canada plane crashes. Madeleine Grenier, Diana Cicely Growse Apparently unaware of the severity of the damage inflicted on the aircraft, the crew managed to lift off for a go-around, but the lost fourth engine had torn off a piece of the lower wing plating and the aircraft was now trailing fuel, which ignited. I was a child of 10 and didn't understand how my friend Wendy Weinberg could be gone. I remember going into Frederick's room and it was still how he had left it. Gilles Raymond It seemed impossible. Je sentais qu'il y avait quelque chose de grave. Pierre and Catherine Szpakowicz. I wholeheartedly support the role the City took on in creating and maintaining the memorial. -, I remember this as though it was yesterday. Condolences to all the remaining family members. Merle Silverberg -, s an Auxiliary Constable with the OPP from 1979 to 1990 out of Port Credit Detachment, I wish to remember those that los, t their lives and to the First Responders that were at that large crash site. [2] It crashed in Toronto Gore Township, now part of Brampton. I had visited Canada before, in At approximately 8:00 am, the engines on the wing exploded, the right wing fell away, and the airplane crashed to the ground in this former farm field in the village of Castlemore 6.2 miles (10 km) north of the airport. I stood at the second tee box of the golf course then known as Woodlands Golf Course and watched in horror as the plane tipped sideways, lost an engine and part of the wing. Proud to live in Brampton​. When his family informed Air-Canada, they crossed out my father's name, believing that it was the same person. Their flight home to Los Angeles ended tragically when the plane crashed in a field outside Toronto. This destroys any remaining lift and helps the aircraft slow down. Still very vivid in my mind. Oscar Leclaire - Janis Hamilton, My condolences to all the victims' families, I golf in the area at Mayfield and often think of that tragic day!​ - Chris Brady, God rest their souls . Wreckage, body parts, bits of clothing and personal effects were strewn for more than 90 metres (100 yards) beyond the impact spot. Celia Sultan This horrific loss has had an impact for 50 years, and it will go on to have an impact for many years to come. I remember a beautiful summer morning my husband and I and our two Children were heading to Albion Hills for the day when the bulletin came on the radio. The image of that plane going down will be with me forever. I refused to forget those victims and their families even though it seemed to me that the airline and local government officials for many years hoped that the public would forget. As a pilot's daughter I knew accidents could happen but it didn't occur to me that they would happen to us. Un homme bien,que l'on aimait tous, dans cette grande famille tissée serré. A book was published at the 50 year mark of my dad's plane crash and at the same time Lynda Fishman was writing a book about. [4], In this particular instance, the captain was piloting the landing and said, "All right. Ability to pass the Air Canada and Transport Canada medical and visual acuity requirements for a Category 1 medical certificate 4. I will always remember that terrible day on July 5 1970. CVR transcript Air Canada Flight 621 - 05 JUL 1970 Last updated: 16 October 2004. The Air Canada Flight 621 crash, near Toronto Pearson International Airport, took place on July 5, 1970, when an Air Canada Douglas DC-8, registered as CF-TIW, was attempting to land. Family members, friends, communities, first responders . [24], The small memorial park, approximately a third of a hectare in size (~3,000 m2), contains lilacs and 109 markers of polished white granite arranged in a random configuration within a bed of black granite paving stones. Dad was supposed to be flying from Montreal to London, UK that day. I said to the family "A wing just fell off that plane!" [2][4][5], The aircraft involved was a Douglas DC-8 60 series, powered by four Pratt & Whitney JT3D engines and delivered new to Air Canada just three months prior to the accident. Claude K. Holiday H Gordon Hill - Don Droy. I was young but I remember you from your father and from Serge !! They died doing what they loved, being “of service” to so many. Vito Marziliano (Pastor, St. Patrick's Wildfield), RIP To all who were lost on that horrific day. Pierre Et Catherine Szpakowicz et votre maman ! Recovery and identification of bodies proceeded slowly after the crash because of the need to excavate the crash crater to a significant depth. Leonard Benson I have given up. Our familles were marked by this tragedy that we will never forget . I lost friends. Air-Canada ne nous avait pas téléphoné car il y a eut une méprise sur son nom, un autre passager du nom de Gilles Raymond est monté à bord à la dernière minute et n'avait pas inscrit le nom de ce jeune homme sur la liste. Suddenly the wing exploded and fell off. Gustav A. Maitz May they Rest In Peace. It was an amazing powerfully expressed and so accurately describing how I felt. Diarmuid Horgan, coordinator of the memorial site, said that he hoped the dedication ceremony would help victims' families find closure. Sonya and I attended the 40th anniversary memorial in 2010 which was a very emotional experience for me. Irene Marguerite Houston Donald Rowland It was a shock and a tragedy that I still feel to this day. The flight was on route to Los Angeles, California with a stopover at what is … The day before (which was Saturday July 4, 1970), my dad told me we were going to fly from Toronto to Nova Scotia the following week to visit my grandparents. But I had changed my shift and headed to Jericho Beach to join friends for Sunday sailing. Many years of his dedication and perseverance has made this memorial a reality. Jean Bélanger - Anne Proscia, My memories of that event was a lot of sadness. My thoughts are always with you. May all of those passengers continue to rest in peace. We only knew about it in the late afternoon. Loss doesn’t happen and then unhappen. The captain preferred not arming them at all, but directly deploying them once on the ground, while the co-pilot preferred arming them during the landing flare. I tell you he received the biggest hug ever when they landed. Reginald Whittingham The Air Canada Flight 621 Memorial Garden is located on the west side of Degrey Drive (where Degrey meets the south loop of Compassion Crescent). Air Canada Flight 621 crashed into a farm field near Toronto International Airport, today Pearson Airport, just after 8 a.m. on July 5, 1970, a sunny Sunday morning. Karolina Fiedler Maitz Their memories live on. - â€‹, I have lived in Castlemore for over 30 years and have heard of this tragic event. - Tony, Je me souviens encore de ce dimanche matin où nous déjeunions tranquillement en famille lorsque le téléphone a sonné. It was a scene and a task none of us who worked the site will ever forget. Families of those on board Air Canada Flight 621 laid white roses on the memorial plaque that has the names of the victims of the crash that occurred July 5, 1970. 2000 hours of fixed wing flying time 2. I am pleased that there is a memorial garden, site honouring the victims of Air Canada Flight 621. I am very pleased to see the beautiful memorial park and I am glad there will be a 50th anniversary commemoration this July 5th. My hope is that the memories are still vivid while the pain has subsided. On July 5, 1970, a devastating event occurred changing the lives of many. Lewella Frances Earle [17], In June 2002, Castlemore resident Paul Cardin, who had been inspired by a November 2001 Toronto Sun article revisiting the Flight 621 crash scene, discovered aircraft wreckage and possible human bone shards at the site. Repose toujours en paix. I will always remember Rita (Mrs Weinberg), and Carla and Wendy with love and a great feeling of loss. - Lorna (Gall) Shackell â€‹, ​Gord Hill's mum was my next door neighbour on Broadway in Lachine. - Shilpa Vashisht, I was supposed to be working that sunny Vancouver morning. The flight was on route to Los Angeles, California with a stopover at what is now known as Toronto Pearson International Airport. Always remembering my Dear Aunt Rita and Cousins Carla and Wendy ..... as well as my Uncle Saul whose spirit perished on that terrible day. It was flying on a Montreal – Toronto – Los Angeles route. - Respectfully submitted by Bob Russell, Orillia, Ontario, Member of the OPPVA # 5 District. Nous l'avons su seulement en fin d'après-midi. [6] The 60 series was a stretched version of the DC-8 that was 36.7 feet longer than the DC-8 series models 10 through 50.[8]. Parents were talking and I was quiet, just looking out of the windows. My fiance was inbound from Vancouver on flight 802 as 1st officer. Realizing what he had done, the first officer began apologizing to the captain. -, Thank you City of Brampton for this beautiful memorial for such a tragedy and for making this a designated historical landmark. It made such an impression on me being so far from home that I have never forgotten. We immediately packed up and headed home. Andrée Partridge - Rosanna Broderick â€‹, My condolence to all the families left behind from the tragic loss of life. I’m aware of how hard Captain Hamilton tried the bring the plane back to a safe landing. The source code for the WIKI 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the Mozilla Foundation, Google, and Apple. Gilles Labonté We were married in Montreal in 1967. J ai souvenir du dernier concert au chalet de Valleyfield la veille du départ de votre père et de Serge ! Questions about the collection and use of personal information should be directed to the Protocol Office at, ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​, Air Canada Flight 621 Crash 50th Anniversary, This commemorative plaque will be installed at Purple Lilac Memorial Park later this year, To the late George and Wendy Whybro I still feel your loss of a Mom and a mother-in-law even after your passing some time ago. Suzie Wong I was 15 and living in Toronto when we heard about this tragedy. Captain Peter Hamilton and First Officer Donald Rowland were the the pilots of the Air Canada 621 flight on July 5th, 1970. I can't begin to imagine the suffering of the loved ones who were not on the plane. express to her, and all the families who suffered profound lo, urple Lilac Memorial Park has beautifully memorialized 109 glorious lives. R.I.P. J'ai perdu mon oncle, ce jour là. *** - Claude Perron Viau. Claire Gagnon-Mailhiot Linda Margaret Earle Gilles Dicaire Claudette Lepage We watched (it seemed to be happening in slow motion) as the plane continued north and then arched into a nose dive and exploded. - Frank Bondi Provincial Constable (Retired)​. I think my childhoood ended that day. The plane dug a furrow eight or ten feet deep, less than 60 metres (200 ft) from the home of the Burgsma family, in which 10 persons lived, with the crash explosion blowing in their windows. Jean Maurice Charest I join you all in peace, love and tears as we are commemorating our collective loss, y prayers and sympathies are with you. Karen E. Hamilton At both events I met so many lovely families who told their stories. It was the summer of my 16th year ...***, On behalf of Network of Nigerians in Canada, I express our profound condolence to the families of the deceased and indeed to all Canadians for this tragic loss. My dentist at the time gave an in-service lecture on how such processes work to our OPP Auxiliary Unit and was well received by all those in attendance that evening back in the 1980's. I am now a resident of Brampton. My condolences to Carmen. "[4][12] This was not the pilots' usual routine. - Todd Morin, Such sadness :( RIP to all. El accidente del Vuelo 621 de Air Canada cerca del Aeropuerto Internacional Toronto Pearson, tuvo lugar el 5 de julio de 1970, cuando un Douglas DC-8 de Air Canada, registrado como CF-TIW, estaba tratando de aterrizar.Volaba en la ruta Montreal - Toronto - Los Ángeles. I remember the last concert at the Valleyfield chalet the day before the departure of your father and Serge! Captain Peter Hamilton and First Officer Donald Rowland had flown on various flights together before, and had an ongoing discussion on when Six and a half seconds after the second explosion, a third explosion occurred, destroying most of the right wing, including the wing tip. *​** â€‹, 50 years already and I have never forgotten! My mother didn't believe me and kind of scoffed No. On that Beach a kind stranger approached me- a CALPA rep- told me of the accident, that dad was flying it and there were no survivors. Frederik A. J. Tielens Carla Weinberg My husband was Military Police Forces and I remember well how they went directly to the site, to help. You could also do it yourself at any point in time. Quite the same Wikipedia. -. The crash occurred in a farm field located near what is now Castlemore Road and McVean Drive in Brampton, Ontario. Rita Weinberg Pierre J. Adam We were at our local swimming pool waiting for our swimming lesson to begin when a mother told us about her husband who was supposed to be on the plane but missed the flight. God Bless those making the effort to remember. We worked the site on shifts each day for the next week. This was the first Air Canada accident involving fatalities and the first hull loss of a DC-8 series 63. -. -, My deepest condolences to all the family and friends on flight 621 who lost their lives. - Peter Tielens​, Heartfelt sympathies to all those who suffered the loss of those dear to them and those personally affected by this terrible tragedy. for those who lost loved ones on flight GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU. -  â€‹, My condolences to all the families involved. I pray that the Lord will have mercy on those who lost their, hose who responded will find peace in knowing they w, go to Paul Cardin for all of his hard work. How do you go on, when your family and friends have been ripped from your world. De plus, il voulait partir le 4 juillet mais il n'y avait plus de place. Ngar Quon Wong By raising the aircraft's nose (pitching up), lift momentarily increases, reducing the descent rate, and the main wheels may then gently contact the runway. The board published its official report on January 29, 1971, in which the accident was attributed to pilot error. This was no small plane! In July 1970 my route was from Montreal to Los Angeles. She told me about the crash. Continuing searches of the crash site by archaeologist Dana Poulton and Friends of Flight 621 (a Brampton-based advocacy group founded by Cardin) produced hundreds of additional human bone fragments. Air Canada Flight 621 left Montreal, Quebec at 7:17 am with 100 passengers and nine crew members on board. Dolly Mohammed I saw a plane above that looked like it was shooting off fireworks. Jacqueline Doré Francesco Filippone This eyewitness account reveals the horror of Air Canada Flight 621, in which 109 people died under a clear blue sky on the morning of July 5, 1970. I do think of them often, I will never forget them, and I cherish their memory. Robert Lowell Sultan They spent hous and it took quite a toll on them, as they returned home exhausted with frustration that nobody had been saved. RIP to all the victims. That is why the date of July 5th always sticks in my brain. In January 2007, the landowners, in conjunction with the property developers, filed an application to designate a section of the crash site as a cemetery and memorial garden. R​onald Alvin Herrmann This was because in 1970, prior to urban sprawl and changes in municipal boundaries, the site was closer to Woodbridge than Brampton. ​Wendy WeinbergJennie Cavell Whittingham [6] At the time of the incident the aircraft had only accumulated 453 hours of flight time. They are placed in clusters to represent the family members on the plane together.​​​​​​​​. It was flying on a Montreal–Toronto–Los Angeles route. On a july morning in 1970, lynda weinberg fishman lost her beloved mother and two young sisters carla wendy catastrophic airplane crash. In 2013, the site was designated as a cemetery with a plaque listing all 109 victims' names. Elle m'a dit: "Occupe toi de ton frère et de ta soeur" et mes parents sont partis rejoindre ma tante, Pauline Labonté et mes cousins, cousine. Somehow I was able to make some really good choices and I am grateful to say that I’ve had a wonderful life, considering the challenges I was faced with after losing pretty much everything at age 13. -. It totally destroyed my father, devastated our entire family, and left me with a lifetime of grief. The following numbered events involved the deaths of one or more passengers and are fatal events as defined by event are included if they were significant in other ways, including events where the only passengers killed were stowaways, hijackers, or saboteurs; events involving injuries or aircraft damage, and events attracting significant media interest. May all those that perished Rest In Peace. Georges Étienne Robert J. W. (Jack) McTague -, My sincere thanks to Diarmuid and the City of Brampton for creating such a beautiful memorial.

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